我的大学生活的作文一千字 作文我的大学舍友


我大学的理想室友英语作文 My roommate JohnOne night,when I was having a bath alone in the washing room,the light sud-denly went out.“What’s up?I shouted,but no replies.It seemed nobody was in the room and the switch went wrong again.So I went out to switch it on directly.Just at that moment,a flash of camera suddenly appeared,followed by a burst of laughter.“Perfect postures.Smile and say cheese。Then I saw a smiling face in the corner.Oh,my god,it was John.He always played various tricks on people and it was my turn.As fast as he could,he ran out of the room,saying that“Great pictures。I’ll use it as my computer background.”Indeed,he’s quite a naughty boy.Tall and handsome,he wears a thick mustache.He has many hats,and when the winter comes,he usually has his purple hat on all day long even when he is sleeping.And that always reminds me of a scene that a cute baby in the cradle.I still remember the time when he first entered the university.As he had never lived in the dormitory before,he wasn’t 。

我的大学生活的作文一千字 作文我的大学舍友

有没有关于我的大学宿舍生活的英语作文 For most university students,dormitory life is a new experience.Most students have never lived far away from their parents before coming to university.They have always had their parents to depend on for advice and guidance,and when they become university students,their lives begin to change.There are striking difference between home life and dormitory life.Student must begin to be responsible for their own action.They must depend on themselves to get up in the morning on,time for class,to eat properly,to keep their clothes and themselves clean,and to set aside an appropriate amount of time for study and relaxation.They must also learn to take care of their money,making sure to preserve enough for both necessities and for fun.In general,there are both good and bad points about life in student dormitory.Often,dormitoryrooms are small and crowded.This lack of space can limit one's privacy and make itdifficult for students to concentrate on their studies.On the other hand,in a 。

我的大学生活的作文一千字 作文我的大学舍友

求一篇英语作文:《我的大学同学》100~120单词左右 A stable-companion During My College DaysI have made many friends,most of whom have been kept in my memory,but I have engraved only one of them on my mind deeply until now.It was my stable-companion during my college days.He was an honest and tolerant fellow,and always got along with me sincerey and kindly.When I was in worry,he used to give warm comfort to me;when I was in trouble,he often threw himself into the breach to share my sorrow.I believe he is the best friend of mine in my life.If you want to know who he is,I will tell you the next time.

我的大学生活的作文一千字 作文我的大学舍友

我的新室友作文600字(大学) 我是在校住宿的一名学生,在我们寝室有八个人,我们班的有4个,那四个是别的班的,我们相处得很好,下面就听我介绍一下她们吧!第一个那就是我,别看我在班级里文文静静的,在宿舍我可是很活泼的,每天晚上很晚睡(在写作业)但是到了早上,打完了铃,必须得在躺一会(可不是我自己哦)。第二个我们小学是就是好朋友,到了中学又是一个班(我们很有缘吧),她学习很好,在班里也是前几名的,她在班也是很文静的,在寝室也很文静,我们闹得玩的时候,她就在一边不和我们闹,我总感觉我们很幼稚,但总也改不了。(她很勤快的,每天打铃就起)第三个在我第一天到寝室的时候,她先跟我说的话,她给我的第一感觉就是她很闯荡,后来我们成了要好的朋友,她很活泼(在哪都是)很爱说话。(她也是懒一会)

我的大学室友英语作文一篇120字,求解 There are a few ways to improve the relationship between your room mates.First and foremost,communication between each other plays a very important role to maintain a healthy relationship.Whenever you or your room mate face any problem,discomfort or disagreement,it is very important for both of you to discuss about the matter.Do not choose to keep everything in your heart.If you do not like what your room mate did.Tell him or her.Let them know about it.Discuss the matter with them and settle it.Do hold grudges with your room mate.Second,you and your room mate must work out a timetable.Set roles and house chores equally based on each other's abilities.Be responsible on the duty you are assigned to.If it is your day to sweep the floor then complete the task.Do not be lazy or be a last minute worker.Coorporation is very important for a good relationship between room mates.

她是我的大学同学,作文800字 我的同学作文800字_珍藏—我的同学www. t 2 6 2 .com 依稀记得我们缘分的开始是因为学校的分班,我们在冥冥之中注定要在一起。我们起初坐得很近,只是普通的同学。渐渐的我。


我的大学生活600字作文 什么是大学生活?

找我的大学舍友? 1通过学院吧校友查找看谁知道2上西安吧,安康吧,商洛吧,山阳吧发帖找3给所有和你有联系的同学说明,请他们帮忙4给你信任的新闻传媒打电话或上门,请他们帮你找5请警察。

