

我肯定英语怎么说 英文原文:I'm sure.英式音标:[a?m][???;???].美式音标:[a?m][??r].

我可以肯定的说英语 \

\ I can certainly make it。

我可以肯定的说英语 \


我可以肯定的说英语 \

机会是对我的肯定”用英语怎么说 在西方说法:机会是对我的肯定=肯定我的努力而得到了这机会:My efforts have been recognized and got this great opportunity.

“我可以肯定地说。”用英语怎么说? i can firmly tell you that.

是的,我非常肯定,英文怎么说 是的,我非2113常肯定,Yeah,I'm pretty sure,英[?priti]美[?pr?ti]adj.漂亮的;机灵的,聪5261明的;adv.相当,颇4102;n.漂亮的人(或东西)1653;

英语翻译 1)I bet that building had been totally destroyed during the air raid.2)During that period,I got my hands on whatever being written in English.3)The team drew lots to decide who is going to play.4)Normally,the prices can be brought down by either adding the supplies or reducing the demands.5)As far as I know,they had been detached from each other for a while.6)Even the car was out of sight,Jenny still stood at the entrance stared towards the end of the road.7)People frequently send away for commodities in Western counties,which could save a lot of time.8)I asked for several times,but she refused to respond to me.9)The main purpose of this interview is testing the level of the applicants.10)I can not keep up my monthly payments on the car loan,I am totally at a loss.

答案是肯定的英文怎么说 正式的说法是:The answer is affirmative.

