如何拯救地球作文500字 如果我能拯救地球作文500字以上,不能是在电脑上复制过来


求一篇关于拯救地球的英语作文范文 500词左右 拯救地球(Saving the Earth):英语作文范文The population of the earth is increasing very fast.Humans must make the earth support the increasing population.This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop rapidly.Such a rapid development produces and waste,which goes into the water,the soil and the air.Some of it is made harmless.However,where there is too much of it,the poisonous waste may do great harm to the things around the people.When farmers add fertilizer to the soil to make plants grow better,or use poison to kill pests,poison is sent into the air,the water and the soil.When birds,fish and people eat the grain,drink the water or breath the air,harm will be done to their health.The air in big cities is often made very dirty by cars and factories.Millions of tons of waste and poisonous gases are sent into the air with the smoke.In some places,little is done to make the smoke clean before it goes into the air.Fortunately,people are beginning to 。

如何拯救地球作文500字 如果我能拯救地球作文500字以上,不能是在电脑上复制过来

如何拯救地球的作文500字 现在我们的生2113活一天比一天好了5261,科技非常发达,远远4102不像以前的旧社会一样1653落后。可是随着科技一步步的推进,我们赖以生存的家园也在不知不觉中被破坏。我们的生活是改善了,可是地球呢?乱丢垃圾使全球气温急剧上升,使北极的一半寒冰化为乌有,使很多地方遭遇了特大暴雨;工业厂把污水排进海洋,使海水不再清澈,许多海洋生物因为海水被污染而丧命,就在1988年,北海由于污染严重,竞有1700多只海豹病死;人类大肆砍伐树木,使得动物们无家可归,使一个又一个绿洲变成沙漠…人类对地球贪婪的索取就是环境恶化的罪魁祸首。曾经,她是美丽的;曾经,她是富饶的,她把一切的一切都献给了人类,而换来的,却是不断的伤害。她已经向人类敲响了警钟,而人类却仍不悔改!人类的双手,好像一把利剑,把她弄得伤痕累累。人类啊,不要再执迷不悟了,不要再让她继续伤心难过了,因为她是你最亲的亲人;人类啊,该醒悟了,不要再伤害“兄弟”了,如果有一天你真正地失去了所有的“兄弟”,那你也会因为寂寞而死去。只要我们付诸些行动就可以了啊!我们只需要学会捡起一团纸,拾起一个果皮,扫扫地,擦擦椅子…在此我向大家呼吁:“救救地球吧!只要我们每个人都。

如何拯救地球作文500字 如果我能拯救地球作文500字以上,不能是在电脑上复制过来

如果我能拯救地球作文500字以上,不能是在电脑上复制过来 你是超级赛亚人么

如何拯救地球作文500字 如果我能拯救地球作文500字以上,不能是在电脑上复制过来

