一篇关于晚交论文呢的道歉信 140 字左右。 我觉得关键是要有陈恳的认错态度,写什么并不重要,帮忙写个迟交论文的英文道歉信,谢了啊! A Letter of ApologyDear Mr.Wang,I am writing to apologize for my late homework.The paper which you have assigned to us last Monday was ③due this Friday,but to my regret,I haven’t even started it yet.I feel really sorry for not handing in the paper on time and for the inconvenience it would bring to you.I have caught a serious cold last week and the doctor asked me to stay in bed for a week since I was very weak and the weather was very cold these days.Therefore,I couldn’t go to the library to get the necessary referential information which was needed for my paper.As a result of this,I have not started writing the paper yet and could not hand it in on time.Fortunately I have finally fully recovered.I will finish the paper as soon as I can and try my best to hand in homework on time in the future.Sincerely yours,Li Ming晚交论文的英语致歉信 A Letter of ApologyDear Mr.Wang,I am writing to apologize for my late homework.The paper which you have assigned to us last Monday was ③e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333339666134due this Friday,but to my regret,I haven’t even started it yet.I feel really sorry for not handing in the paper on time and for the inconvenience it would bring to you.I have caught a serious cold last week and the doctor asked me to stay in bed for a week since I was very weak and the weather was very cold these days.Therefore,I couldn’t go to the library to get the necessary referential information which was needed for my paper.As a result of this,I have not started writing the paper yet and could not hand it in on time.Fortunately I have finally fully recovered.I will finish the paper as soon as I can and try my best to hand in homework on time in the future.Sincerely yours,Li Ming晚交论文道歉信范文 晚交 这个文章的问题的研究好给你的,帮助的,给的,关于晚交论文的道歉信的英语作文 Dear XXX,I apology that I didn't get my thesis done on time,sorry I caught a bad cold one week ago,and feel better now,I started the drafting already,and will try my best to hand it over to you soon.Thanks for your kindness and understanding,I will do my homewrok on time in the future.Sincerely yours,
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