我打算在巴黎度过两周的翻译 I plan to stay paris for two weeks用英语翻译:1.巴黎是法国的首都.2.你想住在他家的隔壁吗? 1.Paris is the capital of France 2.You want to live in his house next door?英语翻译 You should think by yourshlf。1.I intend to make good results in next year2.He next year to prepare an Institute of Foreign Languages3.You grew up in preparation for what reporters do?4.They are ready to move to a quiet beautiful place.5.I have heard many of the Paris Art Exhibition.6.I am prepared to perform on the course7.I intend to write to the newspaper article for magazine.8.He stopped playing football because of his back pain,yesterday.你们打算在巴黎呆多久?然后呢?你们还有什么计划?我想看你们在巴黎铁塔下的照片,我想看。 how long will you stay in Paris?what's what are you going to do next?I want to see the picture of that you are under the Tower of Paris,I just really want to see。英语翻译 The sun was dipped down at 6.30 todayHow long does Steven lived in Paris英语翻译 1.I decide to go on holiday to Paris the next year.2.A:What the life like do you think after ten years?B:I think it would be much better than I now lead.3.It is difficult for.
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