有关遇到困难 得到朋友的鼓励帮助的英语作文 Several years ago,I lost my brother in a terrible accident.My brother,who was a lovely and handsome boy,but an accident cruelly snatched his young life.He should have possessed a bright future and colorful life.I was so sad and my spirit was in collapse at that time.I don’t know how to express my feeling or what should I do.I could not believe this truth would have happened to me.I tried to hide my feeling in my bottom heart in order to prevent others seeing my sadness.几年前,在一次可怕的事故中我失去了我的弟弟.我的弟弟是一个可爱、帅气的男孩,但事故残酷地剥夺了他年轻的生命.他应该拥有一个光明的未来和丰富多彩的生活.那时我很伤心,精神都要崩溃了.我不知道怎样来表达我的感觉或者我该怎么办.我不能相信这样的事会真的会发生在我身上.为了不让别人看见我的悲伤,我试图隐藏我内心的感觉.After knowing the bad news,my friend,Li Hang,came to my house and stayed with me.He tried his best to make me happy and forgot the terrible thing.I still remember what he said,no matter what happened,I will stay with you 。英语作文.你同学在英语方面有困难,并给他建议. First,You should make a plan to improve your English.For example,you should listen to the teacher carefully in class.And you should do exercises after class.When you have some difficultie.英语作文:你的朋友的英语学习有困难,请给她/他一些学习建议,帮助树立信心.(用should/shouldn't句型) First,You should make a plan to improve your English.For example,you should listen to the teacher carefully in class.And you should do exercises after class.When you have some difficulties,you should ask your teacher or your classmates for help.I think you shouldn't stay up studying if so,you will be too sleepy in class next day to listen to the teacher carefully.You shouldn't only read passages.I think writing and listening are important as well.I hope you can make progress on the road to studying English.首先,你应该制定一个计划去提高你的成语.例如,你应该上课认真听讲.放学后多做一些英语练习题.当你在学习中有一些困难的时候,你可以向你的老师或者同学寻求帮助.我认为你不应该熬夜学习英语.如果你这么做的话,第二天上课时一定会很困以致于你不能集中注意力听课.另外,你也不应该只读英语文章,我认为写作和听力也是很重要的.我希望你在学习英语的道路上能够取得进步.写一篇英语作文:内容是 朋友帮助你克服困难在你生命中起了重要作用。结合校园生活的事例写一篇不少于120词的作文。 谢谢!! Dear friend:Thank you.Do you remember,once I walked out and forgot to bring money,the result is hungry in the morning,when you know I didn't eat breakfast,you 。
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