讨论的英语翻译 讨论用英语怎么说 值得我们去讨论的英文翻译


英语翻译一、请把下列句子翻译成英文1.当他是个年轻小伙子的时候,他对自己的言行非常敏感。(be sensitive about) 2.同学们散坐在教室的各处讨论问题,就在这时老师进来了。(sit around)3.我们钦佩伟人,因为他们的所作所为值得我们敬佩。(admire)4.他们急切要知道是否可以在这个房间里过夜。(available) 5.她在英语演讲中得了一等奖,感到非常兴奋。(feel

讨论的英语翻译 讨论用英语怎么说 值得我们去讨论的英文翻译

英语翻译 It's worth discussing how to solve the problem.I don't know where he goesHe hasn't decided to go on the experiment until he heard the newsThousands of villagers left their village for work in citiesI.

讨论的英语翻译 讨论用英语怎么说 值得我们去讨论的英文翻译

英语翻译 It takes a lot of wisdom for people to learn lessons from history.Looking back at the eventful history of all the big countries,we are provided with quite a lot of knowledge worthy of careful research.

讨论的英语翻译 讨论用英语怎么说 值得我们去讨论的英文翻译

英语翻译 If earthquke can be predicted before it happen,it will reduce a lot of loses.I was(am)eager to watch movies as well as Xiaoming.He often sents a bunch of flowers to his girlfriend.The matter is not worth discussing.

英语翻译 2.We don't need to discussthis problem.1.Because of hisoutstanding achievementsin chemistrywas awarded theNobelPrize in Chemistry3.Speechat the closing ceremonyof thepresentleadership6.The child isluckyin the Ya'an earthquakesurvived??4.??I thinkthe film is worth seeing5.?In the activitymonitorplays an important role in

讨论的英语翻译 讨论用英语怎么说 讨论[tǎo lùn]英文翻译:基本释e68a843231313335323631343130323136353331333363373162义to discussto talk overkick something aroundpublic debateargumentationdiscussiondiscussdebatecounseltalkairingmootedhaggledissertdebate upon ondebate upon aquestiondebate upondebate on aquestion参考释义讨论的用法和样例:他们讨论了气候和其他的话题。They discussed the weather and other topics.在内阁会议上讨论了这个问题。Thequestion was discussed in cabinet.骑士们在小酒店里会合,讨论他们的计划。The knights met in the tavern to discuss their plan.这件事不值得讨论。This is unworthy to be discussed.他们正在讨论堕胎的道德性。They are discussing the morality of abortion.那个专门小组被选中参加讨论。The panel was chosen to take part in discussion.我们一直就政治问题进行友好的讨论。We've been having friendly argument on politics.他昨天参加了我们的讨论。He joined us in the discussion yesterday.见http://dict.cn/%E8%AE%A8%E8%AE%BA

