你为什么感到奇怪?英语怎么说 你为什么不来找我英语怎么说


那你为什么不找我的英语怎么说 您好!翻译为:Then,why don't you seek me?那你为什么不找我采纳是您的美德,谢谢您的支持!你为啥不来找我呢?求英语翻译。 你为啥不来找我呢?翻译为英文是:Why don't you come to see me?注:完全没有问题!请提问者及时采纳!你为什么不吃饭 ?因为我不饿。英语怎么说 ?急需 Why don't you have a meal?Because I'm not hungry你为什么不? 用英语怎么说??? 如果百前面有一个否定的回答,比度如:I don't want to go there with you.你可以知回复:why not?如果你道直接问“你为什么不做什回么”,可以说:答Why don't you come with me?你为什么不回答我?用英语怎么说? Why didn't you answer myquestion?Why did you pay no attention to myquestion?Why did you ignore myquestion?Why didn't you respond?为什么不呢 用英语怎么说 为什么不呢 用英语是Why not?解释:why not 英[hwai n?t]美[hwa? nɑt][词典]何妨;何不;为什么不[例句]I shrugged,as if to say,'Why not?'我耸了耸肩,仿佛在说,“为什么不?Why not go out and see if there's some place we can dance?为什么不出去看看是否有我们可以跳舞的地方?Why not retrain for a job which will make you happier?为什么不接受新的培训,找一份让你更快乐的工作?Why not have it out with your critic,discuss the whole thing face to face?为什么不和批评你的人讲个明白,面对面地把整件事情谈一谈呢?You might as well have a try.;Why not have a try?你何妨试一试。你为什么感到奇怪?英语怎么说 1 why do you feel strange?I'm curious,i wonder that.2 why are you feeling afraid why are you scaredwhat are you afraid of你为什么不听我的忠告英语怎么说follow. oneis. advise Why didn't you follow my advice?你为什么不听我的忠告?


