收拾卫生英语 打扫卫生怎么说英语


保持教室卫生的英语作文 How to keep classrooms cleanStudents will have to stay in classrooms all day long when they are at school.So the conditions of classrooms have played an important role in student's studies and health.So how to keep classrooms clean According to the common sense,first of all,students on duty should insist on cleaning it every day after school.Secondly,it's forbidden to spit or to litter everywhere.And it's also important to educate the students to remember that it's a bad habit to draw on the walls casually without permission.And all beyond that,it's indispensable to strengthen the mind of environmental protection and to set up a specific system on it.I think everybody likes to study in a bright,beautiful classroom instead of a dirty chaotic one.So let's let started to try our best to keep our classrooms clean。

收拾卫生英语 打扫卫生怎么说英语

打扫卫生 怎么说英语,

收拾卫生英语 打扫卫生怎么说英语

打扫卫生怎么说英语 打扫卫生的英语:clean up英式发音[?kli:n?? ?p]美式发音[?klin?? ?p]例句:I never?had?to?clean?up?after?him.If?anything,he?did?most?of?the?。

收拾卫生英语 打扫卫生怎么说英语

打扫卫生怎么说英语 打扫卫生的英语:clean up英式发2113音5261[?kli:n?? ?p]美式发音[?klin?? ?p]例句:I never had to clean up after him.If anything,he did most of the cleaning.我从来不4102用跟在他后面打扫卫生。恰恰相反1653,他包揽了大部分的清洁工作。扩展资料同义词:1、sweep(打扫)你最好先在地上洒一层水,然后再打扫。You'd better damp down the ground and then sweep it.2、do out(打扫;收拾)我打扫了一下我的工作台,并且把旧的教学资料进行了分类和整理。I do some cleaning about my work table and sort out all my old teaching materials.3、dust(擦去…的灰尘)我在打扫你的抽屉时发现了这封信。I found this letter while I was dusting out your drawer.

问一下,放卫生工具的那个房间用英语怎么说? store room 杂物房通常都用这个来表达。如果不是家居的那种房间,而是像环卫工人的那种工具房,就是 tool room了。

打扫房间,打扫卫生用英文怎么说? 打扫房间2113的英文:clean the room 打扫卫生的英文:5261do some cleaningclean 读法 英[kli?n]美[kli?n]1、adj.洁净的4102;干净的;爱干净的;爱整洁的;无有害物1653的;无污染的2、v.除去…的灰尘;使…干净;打扫;变干净;(烹调前给鱼、鸡等)清除内脏3、adv.(行动)彻底地,完全地4、n.打扫;清扫短语:1、clean sheet 不失球;清白的历史2、clean surface 洁净表面;清洁表面3、clean on board 清洁装运提单4、clean sweep 全胜;快速整理扩展资料词语用法:1、clean用作动词的基本意思是“使清洁;变干净”,指通过洗、扫、掸等手段以清除异物,引申可作“清扫”解。2、clean可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,跟名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,意思是“洗净,打扫干净”,有时主动形式可表示被动意义。3、clean of表示“洗去…”;接out,可以表示“打垮”,为美国俚语;接up作“收拾整洁;打扫,整顿”解,后面可以接要被清扫掉的物体,也可以接要使之干净、整洁的对象,在口语中,可以表示“发财”。词义辨析:scrub,clear,clean,dust这组词都有“使干净”的意思,其区别是:1、scrub 指用硬刷、肥皂或水用力地擦洗某物。2、clear 指清除。

我是家庭卫生大打扫除的小指挥英语作文五句话 I am the leader of my house's big cleaning.I ask my father to wash the car.I ask my mother to wash the clothes.I tell my sister to clean the windows.And for me,。

