打扫房间,打扫卫生用英文怎么说? 我房间落了东西用英语怎么说


英语翻译 Coffers can be used as keeping valuables,and it is offered by reception of our hotel.If valuables never be deposited,hotel will not compensate.Checkout time is 12 o'clock in every noon.Please return key card of room when you leave,and you will pay 30 Yuan for it if you lost it.For your safety,visitors should leave before 23 o'clock.In order you can leave as soon as possible,please inform reception this message.Please read firefighting annoucement seriously.split-floor single roomssplit-floor standard roomsluxury single roomsluxury standard roomsgeneral suitesuite with automatic mahjongmulti-floor small suitemulti-floor big suiteChildren ages are less than 12 have not to pay for their lodging if they do not use dedicated beds.Check-out time is 12 o'clock.Room price will be announced on price lists everyday,and any transformation will not be informed alone.Our hotel accept all credit cards of China UnionPay.英语翻译 例子一:如果这个房间为你们两人所共有,则应该说是“This is your&her room.”or\"this room is for you&her.\"or\"your and her room is this one第一种说法很少这样用,因为这不太符合英语的习惯,鼠疫不太正宗的英语.例子二:与第一种情况类似,如果这些笔为你和我所共有,一般这样说:“these pens belong to me&you.”or\"these pens are yours&mine你的那种说法 理论上是正确的,但是一般不这样用.如果这些你和我所拥有的东西是相同的:these pens you have are same as mine,or your&my pens are the same.我把送给朋友的礼物落在了你家我住的房间里了 用英文怎么说 I left the gift to a friend in your house I live in the room英语作文:写自己房间,还有物品的位置初一 Hello.可以这么写:This is my room.It’s a nice room.There is a window in the wall,and a bed next to the window.My desk is between my bookcase and my bed.There are a lot of books in the bookcase.A lamp is on the desk.There are some pictures on the wall.My backpack is on my chair.There are some books and a pencil case in my backpack.A football is under my bed.I often clean it.I like my room very much.打扫房间,打扫卫生用英文怎么说? 打扫房间的英文5261:clean the room 打扫卫生的英文:do some cleaningclean 读法 英[kli?n]美[kli?n]1、adj.洁净的4102;干净1653的;爱干净的;爱整洁的;无有害物的;无污染的2、v.除去…的灰尘;使…干净;打扫;变干净;(烹调前给鱼、鸡等)清除内脏3、adv.(行动)彻底地,完全地4、n.打扫;清扫短语:1、clean sheet 不失球;清白的历史2、clean surface 洁净表面;清洁表面3、clean on board 清洁装运提单4、clean sweep 全胜;快速整理扩展资料词语用法:1、clean用作动词的基本意思是“使清洁;变干净”,指通过洗、扫、掸等手段以清除异物,引申可作“清扫”解。2、clean可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,跟名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,意思是“洗净,打扫干净”,有时主动形式可表示被动意义。3、clean of表示“洗去…”;接out,可以表示“打垮”,为美国俚语;接up作“收拾整洁;打扫,整顿”解,后面可以接要被清扫掉的物体,也可以接要使之干净、整洁的对象,在口语中,可以表示“发财”。词义辨析:scrub,clear,clean,dust这组词都有“使干净”的意思,其区别是:1、scrub 指用硬刷、肥皂或水用力地擦洗某物。2、clear 指清除不要。用英语说出房间物品的位置不少于10句话 英语作文带有中文意思的 There is a map on the wall.墙上有一幅地图.There is a light on my dask.在我的课桌上有一盏台灯.There are some books on the bookcase.书柜里有一些书.There are some flowers on the desk.课桌上有一些花.我就想到五句,不好意思。如何从头开始自学英语? 推荐一个神仙级免费英语学习网站,自学英语从零基础到精通!提起大名鼎鼎的 British Council(英国文化…


