我发给你报价单的英文 英语翻译,今天早上我和客户电话沟通,客户说报价单是由你们发给他的,并不是我们发,请问这消息正确吗


英语翻译 1:请给我一份报价单,用词简单点,最好有图片.Please offer me a quotation with simplified words,it will be bette if it was with pictures attached.2:请邮寄时不要填写实际价格,尽量写低一点.Please avoid using the actural price when mailing,make them as lower as possible.3:我国的进口税很高.Import duty in our country is very high.4:我又来光顾你了.I came to you once again.5:能快点给我发货,好吗?Can you quick the shipping?6:因为长途运输,希望包装牢固点.Since it is a long-distance transport,I hope it that you can ensure fixed package.

我发给你报价单的英文 英语翻译,今天早上我和客户电话沟通,客户说报价单是由你们发给他的,并不是我们发,请问这消息正确吗


我发给你报价单的英文 英语翻译,今天早上我和客户电话沟通,客户说报价单是由你们发给他的,并不是我们发,请问这消息正确吗

附件报价单,烦请您查收。。。。。。用英语如何翻译 Attached please find quotation for your reference,if you have any query about it,please feel free contact me.Thanks a lot.这样写比较正规和客气点。

我发给你报价单的英文 英语翻译,今天早上我和客户电话沟通,客户说报价单是由你们发给他的,并不是我们发,请问这消息正确吗

报价单里英文缩写都是什么意思TO、 FM、ATTN、CCN 报价单里英文缩写都是什么意思TO、FM、ATTN、CCN TO:就是到哪里或给谁的意思,也就是收件方,一般是指公司名FM:就是From的简写,就是寄方或来自谁,就是做报价单的人,一般是。

上周发给你的报价单,价格怎么样?如果你还有什么疑问可以提出来我们讨论一下 Have you get the price list I sent to you last week?what do you think the prices?If you still have anyquestion,please inform to me.We will discuss it.


求:一句关于价格的英文翻译 The last quotations which I sent to you was my most down by 30%based on original the price希望能帮你。

英语翻译,今天早上我和客户电话沟通,客户说报价单是由你们发给他的,并不是我们发,请问这消息正确吗 I've talked with customer this morning and he said the quotation was sent by you not us.Pls confirm this.希望百采度纳回答

上星期发给你的报价单收到了吗?如果有什么问题请提出来.我们会尽量配合贵公司。 Have you received the quotations from last week?If you have any questions,please let us know.We'll try our best to assist your company.PS:Please check out the attachments(supplement of quotations of.


