“一方水土养育一方人”,求英文翻译? 突然间发现中文的博大精深? 一方水土养育一方人英语翻译


额…那个,一方水土养一方人,用英语怎么说? The unique features of a local environment always give special characteristics to its inhabitants.一方水土养一方人。一方水土养育一方人 翻译成英语 People are supported by the land where they live.OROne thrives only in his familiar environment“一方水土养一方人”用英语怎么说?谢谢!The water and soil of an area foster the persons of the are?一方水土养一方人的英语翻译 The unique features of a local environment always give special characteristics to its inhabitants.一方水土养一方人。“一方水土养育一方人”,求英文翻译? 突然间发现中文的博大精深? An unique features of a local environment always raise special characteristics to its inhabitants.个人觉得这种翻译要贴切一点。一般情况下,翻译应该忠于原文,但不应受制于原文,如果收到字面上的羁绊,翻译出来可能意思上要谬之千里,如果能句意和文字色彩都能兼顾,那就完美了。但是很多情况下很难达成,而诗歌的互译,那就更需要不断推敲,否则会贻笑大方,所以现在做诗歌等翻译的真的很少。英译汉也是一样的。比如下面几张图片,若要字面翻译那就被人笑死了。不妥之处请见谅,也欢迎各位大家给予建议,帮助提高。一方水土养一方人?如何翻译成英文 Each place has its own way of supporting its own inhabitants一方水土养育一方人(用英语怎么讲) One party who rearing water 或A side water and soil raises a Fang Ren求“一方水土养一方人”的贴切英文翻译? 中译英里面比较难的就是当英文里面没有类似的句子(比如成语、谚语)。这种时候我们首先要琢磨这句话要表…求“一方水土养一方人”的贴切英文翻译? The unique features of a local environment always give special characteristics to its inhabitants.看到还有一个版本,‘转’过来共享~


