宠物医院怎么用英语说? pet hospital到达和宠物医院的英文. arrived pet hospital她带它去宠物医院看医生。第二天,小狗好了,埃米很天心。用英语写 她带它去宠物医院看医生。第二天,小狗好了,埃米很天心。She took it to the pet hospital to see a doctor.The next day,the dog got better,Amy was very happy.宠物医院 英语怎么说. pet hospital小狗得什么病会传染人=what disease the puppy get might be an infectious disease?宠物医院,用英文怎么说 宠物医院Pet Hospital或Pet Clinic兽医师veterinarian或veterinary埈米有一只宠物狗。一天,小狗生病,埈米很但心,她带它去宠物医院。英语作文5句 Joon M have a pet dog.It‘s name is Dong.dong.It’s two.It is friendly and smart.But sometimes it is kind of lazy.It gets up at six twenty and goes to bed at a quarter to nine.It can walk on two legs.It can dance.It can also watch movie with me.When I get home from school,it plays with me.When I am free,I take a walk with my pet dog.We are good friends.在我的城市有一家宠物医院用英语写 There is a pet hospital in my city.他带她去宠物医院看医生的英文 他带她去宠物医院看医生He took her to the pet hospital to see a doctor.他带她去宠物医院看医生He took her to the pet hospital to see a doctor.宠物医院,用英文怎么说?请帮忙 1688首页 我的阿里 批发进货 已买到货品 优惠券 店铺动态 生产采购 去采购商城 发布询价单 发布招标单 管理产品目录 销售 已卖出货品 发布供应产品 管理供应产品 管理旺铺 。英语翻译 It is like a ball.Every time I take it to the pet clinic,it follows me tamely and listens to my orders.I take it wherever I go and I never leave it aside.I am happy to have it.It will nuzzle up to me.
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