大学英语综合教程1课文详解,重点句子分析 PossibilityMen can sit through the most pointless,boring movie if there’s even the slightest possibility that a woman will take her top off.如果电影上女人有一点儿儿把上面脱光的可能性,男人就能耐着性子一直看完最无意义、最枯燥的电影。boreHe is an old bore;even the grave yawns for him.他是个老无聊,甚至坟墓都在替他大哈欠。I wanted to be bored to death,as good a way to go as any.我想无聊至死,是个不错的死法。注:人有很多种死法,老死,病死,被车撞死,无聊死。Dear World:I am leaving because I am bored.亲爱的世界:我要走了因为我厌倦了。注:有人在墓碑上这么写。He has returned from Italy a greater bore than ever;now he’s boring on architecture,painting,statuary[雕塑],and music.他从意大利回来后比以前更无聊了,他钻研建筑、绘画、雕塑和音乐。注:Bore 无聊;钻研。associateAn associate producer is the only guy in Hollywood who will associate with a producer.助理导演是Hollywood唯一愿意和导演合作的人。注:associate:助理;合作。这么说就是为了好玩儿,实际上导演在Hollywood牛着呢,。
象棋为什么比围棋普及率高? 从游戏角度分析,象棋的核心目标是将军,将死王之后游戏结束。而围棋的核心目标则是围到更大的空,这个在…