这句话应该翻译成“你昨天才刚刚认识你的表兄吗”可是我一开始翻译成“你昨天只见到你的表兄吗?” 你昨天说这句话是耍我的吗翻译


英语翻译 句子主语:I句子谓语:am calling句子宾语:about the three-bedroom house you advertisedin yesterday’s paper,其中 you advertised in yesterday’s paper是house的定语从句(house后面省略了that或which).I’m.帮忙翻译一下,就几句话 That your doctrine A product bought 1000 pieces yesterday is 800 U.S.dollar each piece,B product price is many then?Does the if my can A product mix together with B product buying 1000 pieces?I will remit money next Monday帮我翻译句话,谢谢了 很高兴收到你的来信.昨天我们全家也度过的非常愉快。感谢你们的到来。欢迎你下次有空再来我家做客.I am so glad to hear from you.Our whole family really had a great time yesterday。Thank you for coming to see us。Please come again and be our guest,you're always welcome in our home。我无法理解你昨天跟我说的话.这句话怎样翻译成英文? I can't understand what you said to me yesterday.求把这句话翻译成英文 A:eh,I wanna say that I‘d like to change schoolsB:Didn't we talk about that yesterday?A:Yes,but I was shy of telling you that yesterday这句话应该翻译成“你昨天才刚刚认识你的表兄吗”可是我一开始翻译成“你昨天只见到你的表兄吗?” 其实两句中文翻译都没错.单单“You only met your cousin yesterday?的话不能说哪一句对还是错.You mean you didn't know you have a cousin?You only met your cousin yesterday?在这个情况,翻译就应该是“你昨天才刚刚认识你的表兄吗”.You only met your cousin yesterday?You did not meet anyone else?这样的话就是“你昨天只见到你的表兄吗?所以LZ没错=)不知道前提的情况下有时候是没有法子翻译的.你在撒谎,你昨天说和别人玩。这句话的英文怎么说,不要翻译器的 You are lying.You said you played with someone else yesterday.我还想问你昨天的问题.有人说把这句话翻译成我刚好没钱了.所以选little .你认为呢? 不好意思,我昨天用手机上网,没看到你的求助,今天才看到.我找了半天我的回答记录,才找到那道题.I can't buy the dress because I have just_money.A.a little B.little C.a few D.few你看看,just放在have后面,显然不是别人对你的那个意思.而是我仅有一点钱,如果是你说的那种意思,应该是I just have.我刚刚.你能告诉我这句话的中文翻译吗?用英语怎么说 Can you this sentence to Chinese?英语翻译 “你昨天只见到你的表兄吗?did you only meet your cousin yesterday你昨天才刚刚认识你的表兄吗did you just know your cousin yesterday


