一个有权力和金钱的人的英语 拥有权力和金钱的英语


把下面的话翻译成英文谢谢。 对于我来说,友情在生活中是非常重要的,超越金钱与权力。每个人都有家人, For me,friendship is very important in our life,beyond the money and power.Everyone has a family,but not everyone has a true friend.A true friend understands your habits and hobbies,perhaps you each have different hobbies,but he will still support you,encourage you拥有钱就代表拥有了权利 英文翻译 Money stands for/represents power.Owning/Having money means having/owning power.我记得迈克尔杰克逊曾经说过一句话 拥有金钱的唯一目的是于他人以分享它的权利 那么这句话用英文怎么说? The sole purpose of having money in the right of others to share it拥有金钱的唯一目的是于他人以分享它的权利 我也是MJ迷,祝他一路走好。2. 一个有权力和金钱的人! 2.a person with power and money求一篇写金钱与权力关系的英语作文 金钱作为物质产品交换的“等价物”中介,原本的面目是既无真善美之物也无假丑恶的东西,既是十分平常、平庸之物也是毫无什么生气的东西,既是无正义之物也是无邪恶的东西。只是后来被别有用心的强势超级大盗,作为统治权力延伸的“等价物”,并为金钱披上美丽的画皮并作为圣物“供养”起来,赋予了特殊的天使般角色,让其能够颐指气使地向众人发号施令起来后,金钱也就与万恶直接挂上了勾,与鬼域融为了一体。金钱被统治者赋予魔力并与统治者合二而一后,不断地演绎出了变幻莫测的华丽大转身。金钱这个价值的“等价物”,所见的悠久历史是贝类的出现,后来演化并被各种金属之物所替代,近现代再改头换面瘦身成了各种眼花缭乱的纸币,再到当代则由纸币借代成了直接可流通的银行支票、信用卡、借贷卡,由此更让金钱变成了变幻莫测的梦境之物。在人类社会的生活中,金钱究竟是何方神圣竟会化为财富的象征,它既不是钢铁、食物、房屋等形态的物质,甚至也不是一杯开水、一件衣服、一碗内肉汤,总之是既不能吃也不能喝更不能穿,却被掌权集团魔术家包装成了人世间一切所有价值形态的等值符号。金钱被统治者赋予魔力之后,除了能让权贵们一夜之间变成名符其实的阔佬外,也。求关于“金钱与权力是财富的象征吗”英语短文 Can money and power represent wealth?The dictionaries define the word“wealth”as“a large sum of money”.Thus one may argue that a person who possesses money as a wealthy man.At the same time,a powerful person can use his power to gain wealth;or a wealthy person can use his wealth to gain power;the two are like two interlocking links.In this sense,money and power can represent wealth.However,there have been many of these rich people who claim“poor,deprived”lives.And wequestion ourselves,“how can that be?For he has so much money。But these men would tell you that there are things money and power cannot buy,such as happiness and love.And without these emotions,one can only feel an empty heart;and how can you call someone without contentment“wealthy”?In conclusion,money and power can represent wealth to a certain degree.But they cannot bring the true fulfilment of the heart – they are not the ultimate wealth of love and peace that every human seeks.金钱,地位还是拥有更多的权利用英文怎么写 Money,status or have more rights一个有权力和金钱的人的英语 你好!一个有权力和金钱的人A person with power and money

