这个星期天我想去书店 用英语怎么说 I want to go to bookstore this sunday.英语翻译 1.What_is your father going to do He's going to see(watch)a Beijing opera.2.Shall we meet at two o'clock in front of the bookshop?3.小明明天要参加运动会.Xiaoming is going to take part in the sports m.我明天不打算去书店用英语怎么说 I am not going to the bookstore tomorrow.我正准备去书店 翻译成英语 I’m going to the bookstore.我打算去书店买一本字典英语 I am going to buy a dictionary in the bookstore.祝学习进步,天天快乐!万事如意,满意请采纳!谢谢!如果你能去书店(用英语怎么说?) If you can go to the bookstore.英语翻译 1.I want to visit grandmother in the weekend2.What are you doing after school?3.They want to take the subway to bookstore4.This afternoon we intend to play chess5.Where are you going tomorrow?6.I went fishing yesterday.7.He bought a bikelast week.8.Did you do homework last night?9.Where did you go in the holidays?10.they went mountain climbing in Wednesday?我打算去书店。英文翻译应该是I am going to the bookstore.还是 I am going to go to the bookstore. ?? 第一种表达方式是对的-I am going to the bookstore.因为将来时本来用be going to do来表示,如果do是短暂性动词,如go,come,leave等,则直接用be doing进行时形式表示将来时。如:I am going to the bookstore.我打算去书店。He is coming here.他要来了。【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!我们通常用步行上学用英语怎么说 1.We usually go to school on foot.2.They are going to travel tomorrow.3.Tom reads newpapers every day.4.I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend.5.What are you going to do this evening?I am go.
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