韩语作文我的一周计划加翻译 下一周的打算作文


我的一周计划 英语作文, on Monday i will go to library after schoo,because i want ti find some useful book.on Tudesday i will go to swimming with my fridend for i want to try some differents.on Wensday i will play ball with.

韩语作文我的一周计划加翻译 下一周的打算作文

一周的学习计划《作文》 学习计划:是为进行学习而制定的计划.告诉你怎么写,有几个步骤:一/计划的格式:(一)题目:学习计划(二)计划的具体要求.学习的目标,实施的步骤和措施等等,一句话,就是做什么,怎么做,做到什么程度.(三)写订立计划的日期,.

韩语作文我的一周计划加翻译 下一周的打算作文

这星期的打算作文 仔细观察人或事物,多写观察日记。4、我还要继续努力学习,提高自己的阅读理解能力;2!5、每天坚持每天听写词语、摘抄优美句不懂的就及时向老师或同学请教,巩固自己的基础知识;3、多看有益的课外书,提高自己的写作水平,大量阅读中外名著、国学经典以及优秀的课外书刊杂志等,也绝不能临急抱佛脚,我的成绩要名列前茅,要一步一个脚印、学习上绝不能有侥幸心理,更不能临阵磨枪,要打有准备之仗,认真完成作业,积极思考。6、请老师和父母监督我我这星期的打算:1、我会改掉坏习惯,专心听课,克服缺点,争取不断进步

韩语作文我的一周计划加翻译 下一周的打算作文


英语作文 一周的训练计划 This week I had a very happy,because I do many,many interesting things,also learned a lot of new knowledge,grasps many new skills.On Wednesday night,we in the midst of the stadium watched a wonderful\"English song contest\".The primary section of many students took part in the contest.They sang a lot of good songs,I like it very much,students also followed them in the sing,everyone is so happy.This time I can't take part in the game,a little regret,next time I must try.This week,I also read a book fable story books,including a\"sour grapes\"story is very interesting,I like it very much.It let me understand a truth:a person who can't get what he wanted,he said that bad things,the idea and practice is ridiculous.I like reading,but I would like to write a composition,writing a diary.The teacher said I write a composition progress soon.The teacher and mother told me once said:\"as long as you like something,you will soon learn,learn it well.\"I think they say really for.I this week 。

英语作文‘一周的打算’怎么写?带汉语 This weekend,I have a plan.Firstly,the morning get up early to do homework.And then to help my mother do housework,such as cooking,washing clothes and so on.In the afternoon,I play balls and swimmin.

总结上一周学习并作下一周打算的作文 一周学习总结作文过完了一个星期,我想我要做一个学习总结,这一周来,我进步很大,特别是数学,原来我数学一直不好,但这一周我进步了,而且进步的很大,比如原来口算经常错,这几天,口算一次都没错,我希看我一直这样保持下.

一篇一周计划的英语作文(将来时) This weekend,I have a plan.Firstly,the morning get up early to do homework.And then to help my mother do housework,such as cooking,washing clothes and so on.In 。

韩语作文我的一周计划加翻译 ??? ?? ?? ?? ????.???? ?? ?? ?? ? ??? book.on ???.?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ??.?????? ??? ?? ???,?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???.??? ? ?? ? ???,?? ??,??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???.??? ? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ? satuaday ??? ? ??星期一我会在放学后去图2113书馆,因为我想5261找到一些有用的4102book.on星期二我要去和我的朋1653友游泳是因为我想尝试些不一样的东西。周三我要和哥哥一起玩球,因为我有这么多的时间学习。星期四我要去看望我的舅妈和我的妈妈,这是长久以来我就没见过她。星期五我会去超市帮妈妈买东西,她需要在satuaday星期日我会去旅行

