问几英语怎么说 我可以给您问一下英语怎么说


“我帮你问一下”用英语怎么说 i will ask for you 或 i will inquiry for you 我帮你询问一下

问几英语怎么说 我可以给您问一下英语怎么说

“帮我问一下”的英文怎么说 一般性说法,could you please give me a help/hand.英国人一般比较委婉,可以这样说 I know deeply it may disturb you sir/madam,but I do wonder whether it is possible for you to give me a help.

问几英语怎么说 我可以给您问一下英语怎么说

问几英语怎么说 I can help you ask the others。这里不能加to

问几英语怎么说 我可以给您问一下英语怎么说

“你能给我帮个忙吗?”用英语怎么说 Could/Would give me a hand?比较婉转Can you help me?较为直接Could you do me a favor?(do a favour 帮忙)希望对你有帮助,望采纳,谢谢~

问一下,我会尽力帮你的。用英语怎么说? I will try my best to help you.I will do whatever I can to help you.I will give my best shot to help you.

“请问您能帮我一下吗?”用英语怎么说? “请问您能帮我一下吗?Could you please help me?Could you be so kind as to help me?Could you be kind enough to help me?Could you do me a favor?Would you please 。

问几英语怎么说 I can help you to ask someone else.

我有一个问题想问一下用英语怎么说? I have aquestion to ask. 我有一个问题想问一下。词汇解析: 1、have aquestion 英文发音:[h?ve?kwest??n]] 中文释义:有个问题 例句: I have aquestion about 。

用英语怎么说:我可以问你一个问题吗? May I ask you aquestion?

