我可以考虑一下的英文 让我好好考虑一下用英语怎么说LET


你可以考虑一下吗的英文 May you think over,please.Can you consider over it,please?(I wish)you do take it into account,please.You will take it into account,won't you?You could think about it,won't you?Would you please make consideration over the affair?Would you make consideration over the affair,please?Please,please take it into consideration,I beg you.供参英文怎么表达?我会考虑一下的???? 你这两句都可以。可以考虑一下我吗,用英文词怎么说 可以考虑一下我吗?Would you consider me?或Would you think about me?我考虑一下这个答案用英语怎么说 Let me think it over我考虑一下.Let me:我think it:考虑over:一下I consider this answer我考虑一下这个答案.consider:考虑一下this answer:这个答案希望可以帮到你哦。可以考虑一下我吗,用英文词怎么说 could you think about me?\ 看电影的时候,经常听演员说“I'll think about it.”这应该就是您要的习惯表达了。让我考虑一下英语 让我好好考虑一下。其英文翻译有如下:Give me a second.Let me think about it.I will check it.I will figure it out.比如长句式:Woud you please give me time to consider it in details because it's so sudden.译文:你可否给我一点时间容我好好考虑仔细了,因为(这件事)它太突然了.\ 看电影的时候,经常听演员说“I'll think about it.”这应该就是您要的习惯表达了.让我好好考虑一下用英语怎么说LET 让我好好考虑一下。其英文翻译有如下:Give me a second.Let me think about it.I will check it.I will figure it out.比如长句式:Woud you please give me time to consider it in details because it's so sudden.译文:你可否给我一点时间容我好好考虑仔细了,因为(这件事)它太突然了.

