“很有挑战性的工作”用英语怎么说? a challenging job求一篇英语作文:该不该选择一个有挑战性的职业,或者专业,选择了会有什么好处,200字以上,急需。。 so that wealth is created.Study in a stiff way is highly harmful tothe enthusiasm of students in particular courses and damage their primitiveimpression。.毕业后,她选择了一个具有挑战性的工作的英文 1.毕业后,她选择了一个具有挑战性的工作。After graduation,she chose a challenging work.2.当年,很多作家都一些做谋生,艰巨的工作赢得了别人对他们的尊重。Then,many writers who do make a living,hard work earned them the respect of others.写一篇关于选择稳定的工作还是挑战的工作的英语作文 How to choose a right careerChoosing the right career can be difficult,but having a defined career direction will help people with getting a suitable job.With hard work and correct methods,you can also accomplish that goal.Now I will explain these correct methods.Before you start considering you job choice,you should test your skills first.If you are not sure what career you want,you might not be taking into account skills that you already have.Everybody is good at something,so try brainstorming and write a list of as many of your qualities as you can.You may think about factors like whether you prefer working alone or with others,and how these qualities can into a job.After that,you can ask your family and friends what they think you are good at.It is because you may have skills that you are not even aware of.You can also try speaking to a career adviser.They will help you assess your skills and personality and enable you to develop ideas about careers options 。英语翻译 What challenging this work has to you?has experienced some good experiences or not the good experience?does have the regret to choose this labor?whether is willing to make this merit to make yizhi dao the retirement?to this labor expectation?to your salary satisfaction?this work is influential to your daily life?
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