我想这个周末去爬山用英语怎么说 我想这个周末去爬山I want to climb the mountain this weekend.我想这个周末去爬山I want to climb the mountain this weekend.我这周末要去爬山,用英语怎么说 I am going to the moutains this weekend.进行时态表将来。他们打算星期五去爬山吗?用英语怎么说 您的问题很简单。呵呵。知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:他们打算星期五去爬山吗?翻译:Are they going to go hiking on Friday?知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。“去爬山”用英语怎么说? go climbing 读音2113[ɡo ?kla?m??]去爬5261山I can go climbing this summer;I'm in condition.今年夏天我能去爬山:4102我的健康状况良好。2I can fly a kite and go climbing,too.我还可以放风1653筝和爬山。3You must be nuts to go climbing mountains in winter.你冬天去爬山,准是发疯了。4We could go climbing this year,but I doubt if we have time.今年我们可能去登山,但我怀疑我们是否有时间。5If it doesn't rain this weekend,will you go climbing with us?如果这个周末不下雨,你会和我们一起去爬山吗?英语翻译 1.In the weekend,I'm going to climb with my friends2.Go to there by bus and stard climbing3.There're many beautiful flowers,trees.there also many older children and man.英语翻译 1.I am going to go climbing with my friends at the weekend.2.when we arrived at our destination,we began to climb the moutain.3.There are beautiful flowers and many trees on the moutain,as well as lot.我打算周末去爬山用英文怎么说 I plan to go climbing the mountains this weekend.I am going to climb the mountains this weekend.
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