每天写日记是不是心情可以好很多? 可以,抒发你心中的不满,向别人倾诉的话,你的心就会好一些,你的心情会好一些。
心情不太好 我没有每天坚持写日记的习。 看了你的日记,我觉得你有点小提大作了,他还是一个好男人,真的,在你需要时他还是把钱拿出来了,而不是没给你,藏着。自己留钱是应该的,他是男人要出去应酬,你不能让他一分钱。
需要一篇 “每天保持好心情” 的英语作文 you known,it is of important for us to keep a good mood in our dayly life.Therefore,how to keep a good mood has been heatly discussed around us recentlyIt is known to us all that having a good mood does good to all of us.On the one hand,it can not only do good to our work and study,but also improve our life quality.On the other hand,keep a good mood help a lot to both our mental and physical health.and how can we students keep a good mood?Here are several ideas.Such as read intresting books,have a lot of heipful hobbies,being kind and always share your fun with others and so on finally hope all the people have good mood every day.这是网上的一篇作文,我根据你的要求改了改,