



商务翻译 1,L/C is opened from the bank on the basis of sales contract,but it does not give the two parties to provide absolute security.2,People's Insurance Company of China provides a wide range of marine transport insurance for international trade.3,The international trade business involved factors than domestic trade,and complex procedures.4,SWOT analysis was frequently used in the strategic plan.手工的,放心用吧。


商务翻译. Among the recent reimbursement applications I've processed,two are re-applications that were rejected six months ago due to inadequate supporting documents.It 。


商务翻译,在线等! Please complete a good budget after the number of orders from a Division.I already arrange for the production of orders.But now,the skin material are already done,and your company cancel the materials needs.Your company is not responsible for this attitude with the Division which made me really can't cope with.If your company insisted to do so,then your company can only be received after the payment arrangements production.I hope you can understand the position of Secretary.Thank you.花了时间去做的.

商务翻译 1.Your counter-offer is not in line with the persent market price,we can't agree to it.2.The south-east Asian countries has reaped the benefits of free trade zone,and China has also exported products to these countries.3.The government initiates the import duty reduction program on agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits.4.The inflow of foreign capital has aroused concerns from the experts and government officials.5.Entrepreneurs must realize the importance of timely adjustment of business strategy.

商务翻译 在任何情况下,鳗,它的分包商,或代表将被追究责任,或承担任何要求,无论是在保修,合同,侵权行为或严格责任(任何特殊,间接,附带或相应的损害赔偿)因购买设备(包括但不限于偶然或必然的损害劳动,利润损失,销售损失,伤害人身或财产或任何其他附带的损失或损害赔偿)。


商务翻译 1.贵司如应允在合同中写入”允许分批交运与货物转运“,我司将以此为前提,如约开立相关信用证。2.我司产品种类齐全、质量上乘、价格公允,为国际市场竞争优势奠定了保障。


