能和你拍张照片吗用英文怎么说 能和你拍张照吗英语


可以给你拍张照片么【英文翻译 你可2113以说:May/Can I take a photo of you?我可以给你拍5261张4102照片吗?May/Can I take a photo with you?我可以和1653你拍张合影吗?Take a photo of you?我能给你拍张照片吗?有时候想表示要帮忙,可以使用Can I,使用时有特定的规则。比如说Can I take a photo of you?意思即是想征求对方的同意。有时候还可以改用 Shall I代替Can I,语气听起来更为委婉。Shall I take a photo of you?

能和你拍张照片吗用英文怎么说 能和你拍张照吗英语

打扰一下,能和你拍张照吗?用英语怎么说 用英语可以说:5261Excuse me,can I take a picture with you?扩展资料:4102英语中拍照1653常用专“take a picture of sb”、“take photographs”的形式属,表达拍照,例如:1、If the weather's no good then I won't take any pictures.如果天气不好,我就不拍照了。2、Today at the crossing there were swarms of tourists taking photographs.今天在十字路口有大群的游客在拍照。3、The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other.游客无事可做,只能互相拍照。

能和你拍张照片吗用英文怎么说 能和你拍张照吗英语

你可以和我拍张照吗?用英语怎么说 Can/Could you take a photo with me?May/Might you take a photo with me?一看上面的这个句子,我们应该知道,这里是“请求许可”,此时我可以用情态动词can/could或者 may/might来表示。can或could一般用于非正式场合,尤其是熟人之间(如家人、亲友)。may或might一般用于正式场合,尤其是陌生了之间。从语气上来看,could或might更委婉。

能和你拍张照片吗用英文怎么说 能和你拍张照吗英语

你可以和我拍张照吗?用英语怎么说 Can you help me take a picture of you?

“我想和你拍张照片可以吗”用英文怎么说? 有很多种说法,举几例如下:can we take a picture together?would you mind taking a picture with me?can I have a picture taken with you?how about taking a picture with me?

能和你拍张照片吗用英文怎么说 能和你拍张照片吗?Can I take a picture with you?May I take a picture with you?

\ can i have a photo with you?

英语翻译:我可以和你拍张照吗?Can i have a photo with you?这么说对吗? 1.May i take a photo with you?语气委婉一些2.Would you love to take a photo with me 准确一些

能和你拍张照吗?用英语怎么说 1.Excuse me,could I please take a picture with you?2.Excuse me,could you take a picture with me?3.Excuse me.May I take a photo with you?就这些了,祝你更上一层楼,

