我的动物朋友英语作文50 我有一个动物朋友的英语


我们有一个动物朋友英语怎么改成一般疑问句 第一时间为你提供正确答案:Do you have an animal friend?

我的动物朋友英语作文50 我有一个动物朋友的英语

我的动物朋友 英语作文 Welcome to the zoo.I'm Xiao Wang.Today I will show you around the zoo.Now let me tell you the plan for today.First,we will go to the Lion Park.Then we will go to the Monkey Hill.You can see the lovely monkeys there.The Bird World is next to the Monkey Hill.There are all kinds of birds.Finally,we will go to the Panda House.The famous animals look very honest.You will like them very much.Remember,don't feed them.Let's take good care of the animals.I hope you will have a good time.Thank you.欢迎来到动物园参观。我是小王,今天我将带领你们参观动物园。现在我说说今天的安排。首先,我们要去狮子园,然后我们去猴山,在那里你们能看到可爱的猴子。鸟世界紧邻猴山,那儿有各种各样的美丽的鸟。最后我们去的是熊猫馆,著名的熊猫看上去憨态可掬,你们会喜欢它们的。记住,千万不要投喂动物。让我们好好保护它们。希望你们过得愉快。谢谢。

我的动物朋友英语作文50 我有一个动物朋友的英语

我有一个动物朋友他没有腿也没有手臂用英语怎么说 我有一个动物朋友他没有腿也没有手臂I have an animal friend.He has no legs and no arms.我有一个动物朋友他没有腿也没有手臂I have an animal friend.He has no legs and no arms.

我的动物朋友英语作文50 我有一个动物朋友的英语

我的妹妹有一个动物朋友英文 我的妹妹有一个动物朋友My sister has an animal friend.我的妹妹有一个动物朋友My sister has an animal friend.

我有一个动物朋友,它没有腿也没有手臂。(变成英文) 我有一个动物朋友,它没有腿也没有手臂I have an animal friend.It has no legs and no arms.我有一个动物朋友,它没有腿也没有手臂I have an animal friend.It has no legs and no arms.

他们有一个动物朋友吗?是的,他们有。的英文 Do they have an animal friend?Yes,they do.

你有一个动物朋友吗?用英语怎么说什么you什么什么什么 Do you have an animal friend

我的动物朋友英语作文50 I have a dog whose name is Mike,i always hang out with him.His favorate toy is a ball,so I bought many balls for him.Usually,we go to the Central Park to have fun.Last week,we were playing with the balls when we met a beautiful Husky in the park near the pool,Mike shouted at it abruptly.Bfore I realised what was happening,the Husky was so frightened that it fell into the pool.I tried to resist my laugh,but it was so funny that I can't stop.I looked at my dear friend Mike,on his face,there is no sign of anything that have happend.


