如果我有一种超能力。(作文) 突然拥有了一种超能力作文


如果我有一种超能力。(作文) 如果我有超能力,我会将世界上的所有不幸福全部去除掉;如果我有超能力,我会将所有的灾难化为灰烬。我会将大海里的垃圾全部捞出来,我会将生活在蓝天下的人变得幸福快乐。如果犯了错,人们都会悔改。如果摔了跤,会重新站起来奋斗。如果生活中遇到了困难,也会去勇敢的面对。如果真的有一天我拥有了超能力,我还会人们团结友爱互帮互助,见义勇为,不图回报。我会尽我所能保护我的家人,同学,亲戚朋友,我会报答教育过我的老师,感谢他们,我才能有今天。

如果我有一种超能力。(作文) 突然拥有了一种超能力作文


如果我有一种超能力。(作文) 突然拥有了一种超能力作文

求一篇【假如我有一种超能力】作文 急急急急急!!!!!!!!!

如果我有一种超能力。(作文) 突然拥有了一种超能力作文


英语作文如果有一天你拥有了超能力,会是怎样的超能力 会怎样去帮助 Last Sunday,I went to Haimen to go shopping.I saw a lot of peoplestanding in front of the supermarket when I was walking down the street.Iwondered what was happening there.I hurried to go there to take alook.I ran quickly.To my surprise,there was a girl sitting in thestreet.The girl with a school bag was about 17 years old.There was also apiece of paper in front of her.It said,“…my family don’t have enoughmoney for me to go to school…”I was very sad to see that.I couldn’thelp giving some money to the girl.The girl was very grateful to me.Shesaid,“Thank you。I was glad to do it.Then I went away with a smile.

中文作文翻译(假如我拥有一种超能力) (哎~!你都没说翻译成什么)If I have a super ability,I want to have a\"change what come out to also can\"super ability,because this kind of super ability for my life can bring convenience.If I have the super ability,in my worried,this kind of super ability can I bring happy.When I arrears my homework while I can turn into a do flawless lessons.When I feel hungry rattled the grumbles of time,I can turn into a big meal,cooks and I can eat too full.I hope my super ability can also help others,if the mountains of the children suffering from cold and hunger,I variable out food and clothes,make their food and clothing.If there is a big earthquake in place,I will become a great cheque,again with noもし私は超人的能力を保有している、と仆は思った。1つともに「何でから出てきてもいい」という超能力を持つことができる。この超人的能力は私の生活の中でのに便利です。もし私のこのような超能力だが、私がやりきれない时代には、このような超能力ひとりトキメキおめでとうございます。私が勉强するとき、私欠交。

如果有一天你突然拥有了特别强的超能力,你第一件事做什么? 有瞬移当然是银行搬迁啊。再有隐身,当然啪平时想象中的女神啊。然后有金刚不坏之身,当然是揍那些平时动不到又讨厌的人啊。最后生活无聊了,开始帮助人,死后接受香火供奉啊。

如果有一天你突然拥有了超能力你会怎么办 我会帮助别人,做事。


