前两天出去玩的时候,听到一首歌觉得很好听,记住了两句歌词,但是不连‘我们错过的风景,有了我的记忆’,大家帮我看看是什么歌哦,我找不到 找CUE点及对拍!在学习的开始不要挑一些奇奇怪怪的唱片,找一两张HOUSE类的节奏明显一点对于新手而言比较能进入的。首先要找到两张唱片或CD的歌BPM不要差太多。大概差个两英语翻译 I'm a bad child for my parents.Because I always do something against my parents' thoughts.For exam和朋友出去玩英文怎么说? I hung out with friends.注意hang 有两种过去式hanged-更多指绞死,而另一种是hung.祝你开心英语翻译 Wang Hong always takes good care of his dog.He takes his dog for a walk every day.One day,he got up英语翻译 1.Are there any new events on today's newspaper?2.I'm very interested in Chinese.3.She prefers to stay at home than go to see a movie.或 She would rather stay at home than go to the movie theater.或者.英语翻译 This specimen was already sent previously,but later our customer said that he needed a new style of it;so please check if the photo was correct,thank you.We are very sorry that\"A124 AND T856\"thes.英语翻译 the same to you跟the same as you有什么区别…英语翻译 many collage graduates would rather continue studying than finding a job.it's hard for you to convince the old man,because of his obstinateness.once he made her determination,she would not change her.英语翻译 This is my first holiday in university.Before that,my winter holidays were barely ones.Because we had to work(our.ass off可加可不加,看你的语气强不强烈)on extra lessions.However,this year is differen.英语翻译 I'm a bad child for my parents.Because I always do something against my parents' thoughts.For example,I won't do what they asked and lie to them.I don't go home for a few days without their permis.
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