小学六年级上册期中英语作文范文 六年级上册英语作文?



小学六年级上册期中英语作文范文 六年级上册英语作文?

六年级上册人教版1-3单元英语作文不少于60个单词 4-6也要 不是书上的就行 postcard 明信片/more 更多/thousand 一千/kilometer 公里/million 百万/Mexico 墨西哥/Canada 加拿大/miss 思念/sometimes 有时/restaurant 餐馆/really 真的/dancing舞蹈/square 广场/collect 收集/stamp 邮票.

小学六年级上册期中英语作文范文 六年级上册英语作文?

6年级上册期中考试最容易考的英语作文是哪一篇 Last Sunday,I and my father,mother,went to Sun Island by car.In the morning we came down the mountain.I saw wooded mountains,wild flowers bloom.We climb up the hill along the mountain path.Come halfway up the mountain,I feel a little tired.Dad said to me,“TongHaoJie,don't do anything halfway”.So I insisted reached the top,the top of the scenery so beautiful.Down the hill,we went boating in the lake.In the evening we went to eat rice noodles,had a good day.

小学六年级上册期中英语作文范文 六年级上册英语作文?

六年级上册英语作文(期中) The school in my dream is very beautiful.There are many flowers and trees in the garden in front of the taeching building.And the teaching building is in the south of school.It six has floors.The second floor is sound lab,we can have classes there.The third floor has two libraries,three computer rooms and three science rooms.I'm very want study there。Uh-ha。This is my dream school.


六年级上册英语作文? 楼上的别问了,我刚才问他,他都不理我,估计是很忙的Today is New Year's Day,every day,every family is very lively,a Chinese New Year every family to eat a very fatty foods,each meal should be placed before.

作文:写六年级上册期中的总结,看下列 期中考试后的总结 随着期中考试的结束,结合考试情况进行认真总结,对制定下一步学习策略,找准下一步的主攻方向都是非常重要的,务必引起学生的重视,在此提几点建议 1 先反思学习态度,事实上每个学生都有学好的愿望,成.


小学六年级下册期中英语作文常考的有那些题目?先到先得采纳 你们期中还没考啊

六年级上册期中考试作文题目是啥 一、给加点字选择正确的读音,画上“—”。(4分)钥匙(chí shi)一幢(zhuàng dòng)给予(jǐ gěi)海堤(tí dī)少顷(shǎo shào)矿藏(zàng cáng)矗立(zhù chù)匮乏(guì kuì)二、读拼音写词语。(5分)dǒu qiào yāo qǐng qín miǎn méng lóng hōng kǎo()()()()()yùn hán jìng mì kuí wú yōu lǜ juàn liàn()()()()()三、在下面句子中填入带有“然”字的词语。(3分)1、詹天佑不怕困难,也不怕嘲笑,()接受了任务。2、岁月悠悠,唯有你()如旧。3、爷爷今年八十岁了,他()能爬上五指山顶峰。4、这种说法()错了,所以大家都摇头。5、天气预报说今天要下雪,傍晚,天上()飘起了雪花。6、他()工作忙,可是对业余学习并不放松。四、选择正确的关联词填空。(6分)不是…而是…如果…就…不但…还…一边…一边…虽然…但是…即使…也…1、城里戴眼镜的姑娘,()攀缘,()大嚼着煮熟的玉米棒。


