2016年金学导航模拟版·英语(10-4)d区专用答案 及解析 金学导航模拟版理科综合10-3答案


2016年金学导航模拟版·英语(10-4)d区专用答案 及解析 Ⅰ.1.traffic 2.crowded 3.fan 4.least 5.low6.along 7.cross 8.through 9.goodbye 10.elevatorⅡ.11.drank 12.been 13.finishes 14.lying 15.havingⅢ.16.B 17.A 18 A19.D 20.B 21.D 22.A 23.A 24.C 26.A 25.D 27.B 29.D 28.B 30.A 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.C 35.BⅣ5261.36.doesn’4102tshe 37.haven’t they 38.didshe 39.couldn’t she 40does he41.can she 42.does he 43.didn’the 44.will there 45.shallwe46.will you 47.didn’tthey 48.Whatwill,be like 49.Cross 50.costⅤ.51.B 52.C 53.D 54.A 55.D 56.A 57.C 58.C 59.A 60.DⅥ.61-65CADBD 66-70.BCADDⅦ1653.One possible version:I like littleanimals.I want to get a cat long ago.But my mother doesn’t' like them.Lastmonth my friend gave me a white cat.I was so glad that I often played with itafter school.My mother was annoyed by the cat’s voice.She said it alwaysbroke the things and the sofa,and its hair could be seen here and there.Solast Friday when I came back home and wanted to play with my pet,it didn’tappear.I asked my mother,she told me she had 。

2016年金学导航模拟版·英语(10-4)d区专用答案 及解析 金学导航模拟版理科综合10-3答案


2016年金学导航模拟版·英语(10-4)d区专用答案 及解析 金学导航模拟版理科综合10-3答案

谁有金学导航2019联考版起点卷D区专用的各科答案 楼主有吗 现在

2016年金学导航模拟版·英语(10-4)d区专用答案 及解析 金学导航模拟版理科综合10-3答案

有没有金学导航内参卷2019届高三英语试题(一)D区专用的答案 亲,答案有风险,请核对后再抄1~10CBCCADBCBB11~20BCCBBACBCA21~25BCADC

2018届新课标模拟03理科综合答案 你好 像这种情况 还是建议去你参考书的官网找比较靠谱准确 哦

金学导航模拟版数学D版8—8答案,谢谢 建议以后还是把题目发上来,否则像你现在这样提问是不可能得到解答的。

阳光启学新课标模拟卷 理科综合测试(一)的答案 有知道的告诉我 选择题:CCABDBACADABDBABA(AD)(BD)BB大题:2.4/0.58/0.60


