我父亲的一位朋友用英语怎样说? 我的一个朋友英文翻译


我的朋友很多,非常高兴又多了一个朋友用英语怎么翻译 I have many friends,and I'm very glad to make another one.一个朋友英文翻译 一个:one朋友:friend一个朋友one friend朋友的英语单词:friend,读音:英[frend]美[frend]1、作为名词:n.朋友;支持者;友人。例句:I made friends with Bill in high school.翻译:我和比尔在高中就成为朋友。2、作为及物动词:vt.与.为友。例句:Every man desiring to be a friend of this world makes himself a hater of God.翻译:所以凡想要与世俗为友的,就是与神为敌了。扩展资料一、词源解说直接源自古英语的frēond,意为朋友。二、词语用法friend可用于在公开场合对人的称呼。friend常与介词of或to连用,表示“…的支持者或赞助者”。三、复数形式:friends读音:英[frendz]美[fr?ndz]释义:n.朋友;相识的人;(社交网站上的)好友;赞助者。例句:He has made friends with the kids on the street.翻译:他同街上的孩子们交上了朋友。英语翻译 i went to an indigent vilige with my friends on last Sarturday.in the morning,we taught some kids how to learn and encouraging them by telling them stories.in the afternoon,we had a great time playing games with each other and gave them some gifts.I wish i could see them next time because they are cute and diligent我父亲的一位朋友用英语怎样说? 是 a friend of my father.不是 a friend of my father's.因为of的意思就是\".的\",不必再加名词所有格,否则就是语法错误.


