谁有迈克尔杰克逊的“拯救地球”完整歌曲 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTAwMTA3MDQ=.html这是MV。另外,危险巡演的演唱会上http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTI2NDA0MDg=.html98分30秒是现场版歌词:There’...
迈克尔杰克逊《拯救地球》全部英文歌词 Heal The World Michael Jackson There's a place in your heart And I know that it is love And this place could be much Brighter than tomorrow And if you really try You'll find there's no need to cry In this place you'll feel There's no hurt or sorrow There are ways to get there If you care enough for the living Make a little space Make a better place. Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me And the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make it a better place For you and for me If you want to know why There's love that cannot lie Love is strong It only cares of joyful giving If we try we shall see In this bliss we cannot feel Fear or dread We stop existing and start living Then it feels that always Love's enough for us growing So make a better world Make a better place. Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me And the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place...
迈克尔杰克逊的歌曲,一开始有一个小孩说了一句话,貌似是拯救地球什么的 Heal the World。Child:Think about um.the generations and say we wanna make it a better place for our children and our children's children,so that they,they,...
求迈克尔杰克逊的拯救地球歌词 歌词:There’s a place in your heart 在你心中有个地方, And I know that it is love 我知道那里充满了爱。And this place could be 这个地方会比明天更灿烂。Much brighter than tomorrow And if you really try 如果你真的努力过, You’ll find there’s no need to cry 你会发觉不必哭泣。In this place you’ll feel 在这个地方, There’s no hurt or sorrow 你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧。There are ways to get there 到那个地方的方法很多, If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者, Make a little space 营造一些空间。Make a better place.创造一个更美好的地方. Heal the world 拯救这世e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333264656665界, Make it a better place 让它变得更好, For you and for me and the entire human race 为你、为我,为了全人类。There are people dying 不断有人死去, If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者, Make a better place for you and for me 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。If you want to know why 如果你想知道缘由, There’s a love that cannot lie 因为爱不会说谎。Love is strong ...
《拯救地球》是迈克尔·杰克逊的代表作品,这首歌曲体现了什么 此曲被许多人认为是MJ公益性歌曲三部曲之一。被誉为“世界上最动听的歌曲”拯救世界(Heal the world)是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,十分优秀,歌词倡导人们保护和珍惜我们的环境,让战争远离,世界和平,我们的心中都有一个地方,那就是爱,让我们营造一个没有战争、没有荒地,生机勃勃,到处充满了温暖和欢乐。那用创可贴粘上的地球构思美妙且寓意深长,一个小孩手拿一朵小花让冷酷的大兵放下武器,依然是无比新颖的构思和打动灵魂的善良,美好,对和平的呼唤和渴望,那是爱,只有爱,才能让世界和平;最后一黑一白两个小朋友在一起玩,镜头慢慢拉远,地球成为了他们手里手上,变成了可爱美妙的玩具小球,还是绝妙的构思,同时也表达了人类的终极梦想:让地球成为一个和平的爱的家园。Michael在1996年说过:\"《Heal the World》是我录制过的所有作品中最钟爱的之一。因为这是唤起公众意识的一首歌。我觉得这是那种可以在人们心中长存的东西。因为这是很特别的,很纯真的,很重要的东西。
哪能找到迈克尔杰克逊的《拯救地球》的歌谢谢! 歌曲名称:Heal The World 歌手:Michael Jackson 专辑:Dangerous 歌词:There 's a place in your heart And I know that it is love And this place could be much ...
迈克尔 杰克逊的拯救地球中文歌词大意是? So make a better world 去创造一个更美好的世界, Make a better world.去创造一个更美好的世界. Heal the world 拯救这世界, Make it a better place 让它变得更好, ...
迈克尔杰克逊的《拯救地球》的中文歌词? 拯救世界在你心中有个地方,我知道那里充满了爱。这个地方会比明天更灿烂。如果你真的努力过,你会发觉不必哭泣。在这个地方,你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧。到那个地方的方法很多,如果你真心关怀生者,营造一些空间。创造一个更美好的地方. Heal the world 拯救这世界, Make it a better place 让它变得更好, For you and for me and the entire human race 为你、为我,为了全人类。There are people dying 不断有人死去, If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者, Make a better place for you and for me 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。If you want to know why 如果你想知道缘由, There's a love that cannot lie 因为爱不会说谎。Love is strong 爱是坚强的, It only cares of joyful giving 爱就是心甘情愿的奉献。If we try 若我们用心去尝试, We shall see 我们就会明白, In this bliss 只要心里有爱, We cannot feel fear or dread 我们就感受不到恐惧与忧虑。We stop existing 我们不再只是活着, And start living 而是真正开始生活。Then it feels that always 那爱的感觉将持续下去。Love's enough for us growing 爱让...
迈克尔杰克逊的《拯救地球》这首歌曲体现了什么? 是《heal the world》吗?这是一首反对战争,祈祷世界和平的歌曲,告诉人们给自己多一些空间,人与人之间要互相关爱,要关心生命,为了小孩子和人们的未来。
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