戏曲《牡丹亭》最经典的是哪一出?唱词是什么?求大神帮忙 《游园惊梦》和《拾画叫画》牡丹亭·游园(杜丽娘上。杜丽娘(绕池游牌)梦回莺啭,乱煞年光遍,人立小庭深院。(春香上。春香(绕池游牌)炷尽沉烟,抛残绣线,恁今春关情似去年?杜丽娘(念)晓来望断梅关,宿妆残。春香(白)小姐,(念)你侧着宜春髻子恰凭栏。杜丽娘(念)剪不断,理还乱,闷无端。春香(念)已吩咐催花莺燕惜春看。杜丽娘(白)春香,可曾吩咐花郎,扫除花径么?春香(白)已吩咐过了。杜丽娘(白)取镜台衣服过来。春香(白)晓得。(念)云髻罢梳还对镜,罗衣欲换更添香。(白)小姐,镜台衣服在此。杜丽娘(白)放下。春香(白)是。杜丽娘(白)好天气也!(步步娇牌)袅晴丝吹来闲庭院,摇漾春如线。停半晌整花钿,没揣菱花偷人半面,迤逗的彩云偏。我步香闺怎便把全身现?春香(白)小姐。(醉扶归牌)你道翠生生出落的裙衫儿茜,艳晶晶花簪八宝填。杜丽娘(白)春香。(醉扶归牌)可知我一生儿爱好是天然?杜丽娘、春香(同醉扶归牌)恰三春好处无人见。不堤防沉鱼落雁鸟惊喧,则怕的羞花闭月花愁颤。春香(白)来此已是花园门首,请小姐进去。杜丽娘(白)进得园来,(念)看画廊金粉半零星,春香(白)这是金鱼池。杜丽娘(念)池。
初二英语作文 假如我是robert,今天是我妈妈的生日,根据我今天的活动写作文,60字左右 如果e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333264663137你们是正在学习虚拟语气的话If I were a robot,I should do a lot than ever.Like today is my mother's birthday,I would get up early to make breakfast for her.After that I would buy her a bunch of carnation secretly in order to surprise her.Then the whole family would go to the aquarium for celebration where we took hundreds of photos and I happened to come across several friends.Laterly we do the chores together as soon as possible so that we could go to the restaurant nearby for a family reunion dinner.Finally,I thought even I am not a robot I can do things above too to greet mom's birthday as long as I would need to go to school.最后一句是诙谐幽默 如果老师不严肃可以写上去 娱乐一下