求一篇我的偶像初中英语作文 鹿晗热巴未曝光视频


谁可以帮我找20个宾语从句的例句? I think China is a very interesting country.I think I am very handsome and cool.Mr Smith said that they had dicided to go someplace in China.The teacher said that Lucy was a good sutdent.Do you know where he works?Their father tells then that they are going to move to a new house.Mr Xia said that he would buy a book in the afternoon.The teacher told them that they paricte the piano in the afternoon.she asks me if Mary is at home.The teacher asked what you were doing.

求一篇我的偶像初中英语作文 鹿晗热巴未曝光视频

以“我的偶像”为题写一篇作文,不少于500字 我的偶像现在这个时代里,娱乐圈大概是最“多彩”的吧。也就涌出了一大批新星,他们自然也成为人们追捧的对象了.当然了,我也是这“追星族”的一员.我的偶像大家都很熟悉,他就是R&B小天王周杰伦啦。我喜欢周杰伦并不是盲目崇拜.我喜欢他的歌,但我不会哼,我喜欢一个人静静地听,喜欢一个人独自品味.我喜欢他的精神,不向困难低头的精神.虽然他自小父母离异,却正视生活;虽然他患有强直性脊柱炎,骨子里却透着一股坚忍.我喜欢他的才华横溢,可以自己闯出一片天下,以\"R&B小天王”著称.我就是喜欢Jay,尽管妈妈说他长的不帅,爸爸说他唱的不好,老师对他也是不解.(我这不算痴吧。呵呵)我曾在一本杂志上看到过,有一叫周某的残疾男孩一直对Jay很痴迷.他会想办法去周杰伦的演唱会现场,甚至还为此而自杀过.周董知道这消息之后表示不会去看他.许多人不解的指责周杰伦,但他们不知周董的良苦用心.若是去看了他,以后歌迷们会不会用同样的办法呢?那岂不是会有好多人会为了见偶像受伤?这可是大实话呀。我认为周董做的太对了.在我的生命中,周董就像一轮太阳,照亮我的心房,让我有前进的动力。支持Jay是我永远不变的信念。我心中的偶像我心中的偶像便是那著名的英雄保尔·柯察金,他是名著《钢铁是怎样炼成。

求一篇我的偶像初中英语作文 鹿晗热巴未曝光视频

求一篇我的偶像初中英语作文 My role model is Mr.Andy Lau.He is a very famous super star in HongKong.The reason why I like him is because he is a very hard working guy.He is successful not only in acting but also in singing.What's it is reported that he treats his parents very well.Besides,he is extremely handsome.As a result of above,I want to grow into a person like him,who always sets a positive example for the youngsters.Moreover,I have learned a truth from him:No pains,no gains.这篇文章交上去,你们老师要感动得哭起来—终于教出人才了。

求一篇我的偶像初中英语作文 鹿晗热巴未曝光视频


