青岛欢迎你(英语怎么说) 青岛翻译成英语怎么说


英语翻译 崂山,位于青岛市东部,它是山东半岛的主要山脉,崂山的主峰名为“巨峰”,又称“崂顶”,海拔1132.7米,是中国海岸线第一高峰,有着海上“第一名山”之称.Laoshan,located in the eastern city of Qingdao,it is the main mountain ranges of the Shandong Peninsula,the main peak of Laoshan named\"Kyoho\",also known as\"Lao Mountain Top\",1132.7 meters above sea level,is the first peak China coastline,a sea\"first mountain\"said.崂山位于山东半岛南部的黄海之滨,距青岛市中心40余公里.地处北纬36°05′~36°19′,东经120°24′~120°42′.Laoshan is located in the southern Shandong peninsula on the coast of the Yellow Sea,40 kilometers away from downtown of Qingdao.Latitude 36 degrees 05 minutes to 36 degrees 19 minutes east longitude 120 degrees,24 minutes to 120 degrees 42'.山区东南二面濒临大海,西部自南而北与青岛市区的市南区、市北区、四方区、李沧区、城阳区接壤,北部与即墨市相邻.Mountainous area in the southeast of two surface near the sea,from the south to the north and west of downtown Qingdao Shinan,Shibei District,。

青岛欢迎你(英语怎么说) 青岛翻译成英语怎么说

中文地址翻译成英文 Room 903,Unit 1,Building No.68,Jiananmeidi,Tiantaicheng,Danshan Village,Chengyang District,Qingdao City,Shandong Province,P.R.China

青岛欢迎你(英语怎么说) 青岛翻译成英语怎么说

山东省青岛人。 用英文怎么翻译? people from Qingdao,Shandong Province<;br/>;那就直接native of Qingdao,local Qingdao或者Qingdaoese,Qingdaoer因为有Shanghaiese,Beijinger,New 。

青岛欢迎你(英语怎么说) 青岛翻译成英语怎么说

