求英语作文 跳槽的利弊 在线等 advantages and disadvantages of jumping from job to jobas the developing of the ecnomic and science,our society is progressing.and we should pay in order to meet our needs.so it is commonly that some one changing her/his job frequetely.first of all,there are both advantages and disadvantages for changing jobs.as the follow reasons:firstly,why do we want to change jobs?because the job dosen't satisfy us any and we have a better place to show our ability and achive our goals or dreams.and at the same time,the salary may be increased too.we could plan the extra money for other uses and charges,the new enviroment could stimulate us to work hard for not being behind after others,and chanllenge our competences in various area,that will keep us positive working hard for undertaking some pressures.changing job makes us grown and mature.We would learn from a new job.secondly,the negative impacts are not being ignored also.if we jump from job to job,it means we would。
英语翻译 The above two movies in the 1995 Oscar has won multiple nominationsIn some ways to open today:In the shawshank redemption,Andy with a small hammer and 19 years created a pathway,successfully escaped from the shawshank prison;And forrest gump IQ only seventy,because the focus,carefully,hold the spirit of\"devotion\"to person to matter,the results met with a lot of adventure,and do a lot of normal people can't do the work,become a rich.Contrast,I believe,we are lazy decadent vacant university life,the two movies,it is very realistic.Hope,faith,earnest,diligent,don't go with the flow,bravely run to you dreamBecause of time and restrict my ability,I'm sorry I can't find the detailed statement to describe I wanted to say.Recommend not read both films classmates take an empty to look at.
英语四级作文和翻译如何达到二百分? 我该怎么办,我英语四级三次没过了,我已经大三了,第一次是415,听力136,阅读135,作文144,第二次343…
关于放飞梦想的英语作文和中文 海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。每个人都怀揣着一个属于自己的梦想。然而,什么是梦?什么又是梦想?梦是期待,而梦想是坚强-是你把飘渺的梦坚持作为自己理想的勇气和执著,是你对自己负责的最高境界。但扪心自问,我们有多少人能够成就自己心中最初的梦想?我们的梦想,是一个简单的信念,是一份对自己未来与生命的责任。也许,是二十岁的豪情壮志;也许,是青春期的迷茫与冲动;也许只是一份平淡的渴望,渴望掌声,渴望成功。无数的“可能”,无数的“希望”,因为我们的青春岁月充满奇迹,我们心中大大小小的梦,在生活的每一个角落里芬芳弥漫。亲爱的朋友们,回眸自己的一路成长,还记得每一个梦想带来的悸动,在生命中留下了怎样的足迹么?为了修身养性,母亲让我6岁开始学习书法;因为还没断奶就会说话,母亲又断定了我有语言天赋,从小安排大量的语言训练;又因为母亲年轻时的“作家梦”,我从8岁开始接受正规的写作辅导.就像一块机械的海绵,疯狂的吸收那些陌生的课业知识,外语课、电脑课、家政财经课.凡是母亲认为应该要学的,那就是我的义务。当一个人看着奖状麻木的时候,我几乎找不到自己的方向;刹那间对于整个未来的失望,在所有人认为你可以成功的时候,我。