求“Welcome to thailand”的英文歌词。谁有能给我一份,谢谢! 我想再要一份和这个一样的英文


我想有一份像Mary一样的工作 英文翻译 I want to ( ) I want to have a job as Mary's

求“Welcome to thailand”的英文歌词。谁有能给我一份,谢谢! 我想再要一份和这个一样的英文

买东西吃的时候,经常说的“给我来一份” 用地道的英语怎么说 跟别人一样Same again。我要一份什么什么I'll have./May I have…

求“Welcome to thailand”的英文歌词。谁有能给我一份,谢谢! 我想再要一份和这个一样的英文

英语翻译 1.I want to have a job like Mary's.2.Why didn't you go there by bike?3.Please give me some advice about how to make friends with others.4.Our monitor spent less time on maths than I,but she was better at it than I.以上答案供你参考~

求“Welcome to thailand”的英文歌词。谁有能给我一份,谢谢! 我想再要一份和这个一样的英文

怎么用英文说 一份 用英语点菜点菜有两种方式,一是 a la carte(随 意 点 菜),一是 table d'hote 或 fixed price meal(份饭,套餐),后一种有几道固定的菜肴和饮料,价格也是固定的.它的优点就是方便快捷,点菜时只需指着菜单说:Please give me this one.(请 给 我 来 这 个.)We want two number eights,please.(我 们 要 两 份 第 八 套 餐.)在 点 菜 之 前,一 般 先 要 份 菜 单:May I hxdye a menu,please?(我 可 以 看 菜 单 吗)如 果 不 急 于 点 菜,可 以 在 服 务 生 问 到:Can I take your order now?(你 现 在 叫 点 什 麽 吗)回 答:Not quite.Could I hxdye a few minutes?(不,我 可 以 再 多 等 会 吗.)需 要 叫 菜 时,可 以 说:Please take my order.(请 接 受 点 菜.)如 果 对 当 地 的 菜 肴 不 熟 悉,可 以 问:What is the specialty of the restaurant?(这 家 店 的 招 牌 餐 是 什 麽)Do you hxdye any special meals today?(今 天 有 什 麽 特 餐 吗)What would you recommend?I prefer something light.(我 想 来 点 清 淡 些 的,你 能 推 荐 什 麽 吗)也 可 以 让 同 来 的 人 替 你 作 主,或 是 点 重 复 的 饭 菜:I'll 。

英文翻译:这份报告的内容和我前几天发给你的报告几乎一样,请问你还需要这一份报告吗? The content of the report and the report is almost the same as I sent to you a few days ago,do you need this report?这份报告的内容和我前几天发给你的报告几乎一样,请问你还需要这一份报告吗?

英语翻译 Hello,I'm a Chinese student,and like my friends,I'm interested in your restaurant.I came to the US not long,and I want to enrich my life,so I want to work in your restaurant as a waiter.I am a smart and outgoing job hunter,and I worked as a waiter in my hometown,so I know how to meet customers' wants.I have some working experience,and I'm hardworking,so I can do everything well I should do.I choose Japanese restaurant,because I have some Japanese friends.They are friendly and we get along well with each other.Working in Japanese restaurant,I can learn about culture,as well as improve my English.I am very glad to make my friends introduced to our restaurant.As a result,I came here via my friend's help.I'm longing for this job,and I will be certain to work hard.


