英语翻译 高山胡泊 翻译


我喜欢外出呆在美丽的湖泊和高山附近。用英语怎么说:I like going out and staying near beautiful lakes and m?


滇池明明像海,又是高山湖泊,为什么却叫“池”? 随着2113人们生活物质条件的提高,5261越来越多人开始喜欢享受旅游带来的轻4102松感和1653愉悦感了。所以每当旅游旺季,中国的景点几乎到处人满为患。其中云南绝对是我国的旅游热点省份。云南省因着独特的地理位置和民俗风气,吸引了无数的来自全国各地的游客。但是云南除了风景优美外,还有一个令人惊讶的地方,那就是在云南,面积小的湖泊都取名为海,比如拉市海、洱海;面积大的湖泊都叫池,比如滇池。滇池面积据说有三百平方公里,还是高山湖泊,却被取名为滇池,我们来看看什么原因。去云南旅游的人,基本第一站就是春城昆明。而去昆明,必须打卡景点肯定非滇池莫属。滇池位于昆明市区内,非常适合旅行途中累了,到此放松放松的地方。到过滇池的人,都发现被骗了,滇池占地面积宽广,尽管算不上一眼望不到边际,但是清风徐来之时,却也可见海天一色,清波荡漾。而且滇池最具特色的就是它能够吸引无数的红嘴鸥。每到冬季,滇池上面就有成群结队的红嘴鸥盘旋,时而落在滇池边上,引得无数游客争相喂食。有不少的人,昆明旅行,就是为了目睹一下这样别有异域风情的景象。为什么红嘴鸥这种鸟类会来滇池过冬呢?我们知道,红嘴鸥是海鸥中的一种,通常它们平时的栖息。

1.阿霸州风光秀丽,山河壮美.座座雪峰耸入云霄,原始森林遮天盖地,莽莽草原花团锦簇,叠溪遗迹神秘奥妙,瀑布溪流蜿蜒跌宕,高山湖泊灿如明珠,藏羌村寨别具一格,肥沃河谷瓜果飘香. Graceful Ba Zhou scene is elegant and pretty,mountains and rivers is full of grandeur.Xue Feng towering to the skies,primeval forest are all over the place,boundless grasslands is very ornamental,p.

英语翻译 Tahoe is a typical mountain lakes,deep,blue。That blue make you forget all,you also is the blue moment。Where the trees are really high ah.Over a greatly small mountain,many eyes suddenly presented a large blue cloth,that kind of deep hidden in green in blue is that mysterious.California sky no clouds,so heaven and earth is blue.The water is clear Tahoe ah,also true cold。Due to the high mountain is the snow melt water,so even in summer,who also make cool,cool.Lake Lake Tahoe transparent as meters,visibility persists,the Lake ice around the thick forest.The lake of pine trees towering clouds straight soaring into the mighty mountains of snow,press the green jade,incredible,and white pine forest in snowy day and night the brilliant stood large hotel and the first-class golf course,all beauty so stifling.Overlooking Lake Tahoe,asing if is set in the mountains between of sapphire,snow mountain Lake set each other off a body,is really beautiful.

这个地区的风景是独一无二的,因为它是唯一你能欣赏到大海,高山和湖泊的地方用英语怎么翻译 The scene here is unique,because it's the only place where you can enjoy sea,mountains and lakes all together
