英语翻译 那就是他上新闻的原因的英语翻译


英语翻译 I am a faithful reader of the newspaper.Reasons are as follows.firstly,it can provide news of both home and abroad,which can broaden our horizens and make us aware of current affairs,so that it will offer helps to our study.Secondly,it introduces some stories of the successful,which can encourage us.Finally,I would like to share a piece of my advice.I hope the newspaper can provide articles about learning so that we can improve our ability.希望能对你有帮助 谢谢

英语翻译 那就是他上新闻的原因的英语翻译


英语翻译 那就是他上新闻的原因的英语翻译

那就是他为什么不在这的原因(英语翻译) that is why he is not here

英语翻译 那就是他上新闻的原因的英语翻译

英语翻译 A news broadcaster,or,after all,the news labourer on the field of language profession,is the speaker of The Party and the government.It is vital of broadcast in the respect of broadcast TV programme,because all the news programme and the rest referring the broadcasting job,is broadcasted in the way of voice after taking notes and editting.Broadcasting on one hand shows the fruit of news editting,on the other hand,makes it meet with the public directly.So most of the time,we regard broadcasting as the bridge as well as the link between the governmernt and the people.It can transport the latest new between the people and the government.看在这么辛苦的分上就给点分吧。

英语翻译 1 The biggest advangtage of him is also the most serious shortcoming of him.2 The two sisters must have quarreled with each other,for they ignored each other.3 The repoter totally based the fact on the news report.4 He was brought up by his sister after the death of his parents.5 what should we do with the waste newspaper?


英语翻译 今天报纸上没有什么特别新闻.There is nothing special/new in the newspaper today.我们中几乎没有一个人相信他说的话.Hardly any of us believes what he said/says.


