“货币信贷管理处”的英文怎么翻译? 银行信贷管理 英文


英语翻译 JA town bank credit business risk management case studyIn this paper some county in the village JA bank as an example,the bank credit business risk management as the research object,the dissertation is divided into four parts for writing:the first part is the introduction,divided into the research background and significance,research methods and basic framework;The second part is the case description,divided into JA town bank introduction,credit business and risk profile and credit business risk management present situation description;The third part is the case analysis,the use of village bank credit business risk management related theory,this paper analyses the JA town bank credit business risk management problems and causes;The fourth part is the countermeasures and enlightenment,puts forward some Suggestions on strengthening town bank credit business risk management strategies and enlightenment.

“货币信贷管理处”的英文怎么翻译? 货币信贷管理处 Money&Credit Management Department/Division Monetary&Credit Management Department/Division(隶属银行的其中一个部门)参考资料:

帮忙翻译一下 关于银行信贷管理的 谢谢~ 银行信贷管理 Bank Credit Management银行外汇业务 Bank Foreign Exchange Affairs银行经营管理 Bank Trade Administrator


