英语翻译 好反感翻譯英文


“讨厌”的英文翻译有哪些? |1.nasty2.troublesome3.disgusting4.to hate(doing something)近义词或词组loathing|2113 odium|odiousness|plaguesome|wearriful|vileness|tiresome|disrelish|dislike|disfavour|fed up|yuck|distaste|have a dislike of|take a dislike to|obnoxiousness例句5261与用法1.我讨厌那4102些散布充满恶1653意的流言蜚语的人。I loathe people who spread malicious gossip.2.你知道我多么讨厌打字和速记。You know how I loathe typing and shorthand.3.我讨厌她的装腔作势。I'm disgusted with her affectation.4.我恨他那讨厌的品行。I hate his obnoxious behavior.5.我顶讨厌这个学生。I dislike this student very much.6.他总是用这样得方式说话,所以每个人都讨厌他。He always talks in such a way that everyone dislikes him.7.我最讨厌的是得参加这些会议.I loathe having to go to these conferences.8.我讨厌的一切都在他身上体现出来了。He epitomizes everything I dislike.

英语翻译 好反感翻譯英文

英语翻译 I am glad to be able to gain the current year forming the first very much,I feel diligent embodying in in acquiring much night not ncessarily,my most antipathetic accommodating oneself to is to learn to arrive at 10 o'clock afterwards,afterwards,the meeting besieges very much,foundation learns not to go in because of 10 o'clock.Only when giving lessons attentively,attending a lecture carefully,review carefully,will be successful just now after going home.

英语翻译 好反感翻譯英文

英语翻译 First of all,we must call customers at suitable time,it is very annoying to contact a customer at an inappropriate time,and one can easily imagine the outcome of the call.So,effective communication can be achieved if appropriate time is selected to contact customers;at the same time,the efficiency of our work can also be enhanced.【英语牛人团】

英语翻译 好反感翻譯英文

“希望越大,失望越大。”英文如何翻译合适? 希望 越大,失望越大的英文:the bigger expectation,the bigger disappointment disappointment 读法 英[d?s?'p??ntm(?)nt]美[,d?s?'p??ntm?nt] 。

说实话,我现在真的好讨厌你,你凭什么这样对我,难道我就没有付出吗,你说我自私,那你呢 To tell you the truth,I really very hate you now,how can you do this to me,haven't I pay for you?You said I am selfish,but what about you?(仅做参考~修改过了~)

我不讨厌你可是我恨你.这句话用英语应该怎么说? I don't dislike you but I hate you.

英语翻译 Dear Mr.Lei,Hi,I'am XXX.First of all I would like to thank TYCO that offers me the opportunity to present myself,even though there is something I felt jerky and I didn't show well,but I am still confi.



