我课间干什么英语作文 同学们课间休息时间干什么英语作文


同学们在课间十分钟在做什么 英语作文60词 Class,and the students came elated games on the playground. You see。Some students playing football,some Tiaopi Jin,some throwing sandbags,some Diushou Juan。.

我课间干什么英语作文 同学们课间休息时间干什么英语作文

描写课间活动的英语作文 Class is over.The students are jumping with joy,just like runaway horses.Look,some of them have left their seats and begin to play noisily.They are laughing and screaming from time to time.Some don't.

我课间干什么英语作文 同学们课间休息时间干什么英语作文

大一学生应该把时间拿来读专业书还是其它好书? 今年大一数学系,时间比较充裕,我是应该把时间花在专业书上面(也就是自学数学,不管老师进度)还是应该…

我课间干什么英语作文 同学们课间休息时间干什么英语作文

英语作文 While having our classes,we are always expecting the break time.The break between classes is our time for relaxation.That is the very reason we complain a lot when some teachers lengthen the class period and as a result we will have less relaxation time.Almost all the time,as soon as the bell goes and the teacher announces we can take a break,we’ll rush out of the classroom.Some of us are playing in the yard while others may be running,shouting,joking at each other.We can always have a good time during the break.I suggest the school should buy some sports facilities so that we will have things to play with.

同学们课间休息时间干什么英语作文 A Ten-minute BreakAs a Senior Three student,time seems much limited.As a result,and students try to study from early morning till late afternoon,even during the ten-minute break.In my opinion,to take a ten-minute break between classes is definitely necessary.Otherwise we will feel tired both physically and mentally.During the ten-minute break,we do something to get rid of tiredness.What we need is to have a real rest,instead of getting tired.So doing nothing tiring in that period is really good for us.My ten-minute break is always pleasing.Sometimes I do some simple exercises.Sometimes I have a free chat with my classmates or just take a walk outside.When the next class begins,I feel fresh again.

求高二学习计划(最好有表格) 学习计划:1、每天6:15早早读(读语文/英语/政史,每天三选一,如周一周四语文,周二周五英语,周三周六政史,周日休息,如果你想在周日安排早读也可以)2、中午你们有午休或休息时间吗?如果有,可以抽出二分之一的时间做题(数学/物理/化学/地/生,每天五选一,周六周日休息哦,我推荐做《五年高考三年模拟》)3、五点二十放学后,我建议先完成作业,再者晚读30分钟(读语文/英语/政史,每天三选一,所选内容最好与早早读不同,如周一周四英语,周二周五政史,周三周六语文,周日休息,如果你想在周日安排晚读也可以),4、睡前看课外书一到两页(如《青年文摘》,持之以恒的话,对作文有帮助哦)5、你可能要问课间干什么,我认为一直持续不断的学习,大脑会疲劳,从而影响下一节课的学习效率,所以我建议课间首先花几分钟预习一下下一节课的内容(翻翻书即可),然后就用来休息学习方法:语文:重在积累1、课堂上老师讲到的知识点要记在笔记本上,并经常翻看2、课后多看课外书,准备一本本子,摘抄优美词句,并经常翻看,这对作文有利3、准备一本本子,写日记(不用天天写,只要把生活中有感悟的事记录下来),这样考试写作文时,别人抓耳挠腮的想事例或。

求一篇用现在进行时描写课间同学在做什么的英语作文 In the classroom,some girls are talking,two students are writing.A boy is asking his teacher aquestion.On the playground,there are lots of sutdents playing sports.Some boys are playing soccer.some girls are rope skipping.Some students are sitting under a big tree.Look。Two boys are running.All of them are happy.


