如何保持教室干净整洁的英语作文 请保持阅览室整洁的英文


翻译成英文::要保持安静和整洁的卫生,进门入座时脚步要轻,不看高声谈话,不要吃有声或者带壳的食物, To maintain a quiet and clean sanitation,seated at the door footsteps to light,not to talk loudly,don't eat the sound or the food with shell,reading should pay attention to cherish,don't figure on the above random punctuate,smear,folded plane,see acquaintances can nod,not for others to grab a seat,don't lie down on the seat,also do not smoke in the reading room,of library books,tables and chairs to take care,not arbitrary characterizations of destruction。

如何保持教室干净整洁的英语作文 请保持阅览室整洁的英文

如何保持教室干净整洁的英语作文 开头:说明教室整洁对学习的重要性As it's known to all,good enironment makes us happy and helps us study better.Therefore,we must try to keep our classroom clean and tidy.中间:(具体怎么做)分点列出汉语,然后逐一翻译.(这是中考高考作文的写法要求之一)一般4-5点即可1,do not litter around,2 do the cleaning in time 3 make classmates aware of the importance 4 use the desks and chairs properly 5 put eyerything in order结尾:总结In my point,if everyone does something proper to make a contribution,we can easily make it to obtain a clean tidy classroom.给你写了一个提示,你自己练练吧,有困难再给我留言,最近两天比较忙.

如何保持教室干净整洁的英语作文 请保持阅览室整洁的英文

酷爱读书的小红在整洁、温馨的实验外语中学阅览室观察到下面的现象:阅览室看书的同学中,女同学占 6÷(35-3-37-3)÷(1-35)6÷34÷258÷2520(名),答:原来阅览室里一共有20名同学在看书.

如何保持教室干净整洁的英语作文 请保持阅览室整洁的英文

英语书面表达 以my classroom为题,写一篇60字左右的短文1.教室在A楼的第三层;2.宽敞,明亮,干净,整洁3.有45张桌椅,一张讲台,两块黑板4.教室旁边有一个阅览室,课后我们常去那儿看书5.我们努力学习,我们也很开心

1.enjoy/hate/finish/mind/keep/go on doing sth.①我让他不停地读课文以使他能快速的将其背诵下来.I let him keep reading the text so that he can recite it quickly.②你能为我继续举着这幅画吗?Could you please go on lifting the painting?③我的一个学生很讨厌运动.One of my students hats doing sports very much.2.give/show/send/pass/bring/lend/tell sth.to sb.①我想告诉你点重要的事情.I want to tell you something important.②请把这本书给他.Please give the book to him.③把你的作业递给老师.Pass your homework to the teacher.3.keep sb.doing.①昨天我的朋友琳娜缠着我在电话里说了半个小时.Yesterday my friend Linna kept me talking for half an hour on the telephone.②因为下大雨,他让我等了两个小时.Because of the heavy rain,he kept me waiting for two hours.③为什么你笑个不停?Why do you keep laughing?4.keep/make sth.+adj.①请你把门敞开着好吗?Could you please keep the door open?②请保持阅览室整洁.Please keep the reading room clean and tidy.③夏天我们必须保持牛奶和肉类的新鲜.In summer we must 。

