英语翻译 1.在周天他不得不为化学考试备考.He has to prepare for the chemistry exam/test on sundays.2.明天你能顺便拜访我的家吗?对不起我打算看足球比赛.Tomorrow you can pay a visit to my home?I'm sorry,I'm g.英语翻译 这种意思英文 一般说 I want to go watch the game in person.watch in person 亲自(现场)观看翻译 1.What are you going to do next Friday?We are going to play football.2.What did you do last Sunday?I listened to music at home.3.What are the students doing?4.What is the day today?Wednesday.5.What.英语翻译 1 I'm relaxing at home this weekend2 He is playing soccer for this vacation.你想去看足球比赛吗 用英语怎么说 楼上几位都对,这里给你补充2113一下,更全面些5261。你想和我一起去4102看足球比赛吗?Would you like to go to a football match with me?你想去看足球比赛吗。1653Would you like to go to see a football match你想和我一起去看足球比赛吗?真是个好主意!Would you like to go to a football match with me?That's a great idea!晚上。星期天你想去看足球赛吗?是曼联队的比赛,我最喜欢的球队。It's in the evening.Would you like to go to a football match on Sunday?It's Manchester United,my favourite team.这是我给你补充的,一定注意词性的用法。希望我的回答能帮到你。现在是星期天的晚上,你的家人都在干什么,用英语写一篇作文。 This Sunday,I am going to watch a football match with Jack.As the match will begin at three o'clock in the afternoon,Jack is going to meet me at my house at two。英语翻译 10、-太贵了,58元行吗?对不起,这里不还价.您喜欢那件红色的吗?它很便宜,只有45元颜色太鲜艳了.我买那件白的.10.-It's a bit expensive,how about 58 yuan?Sorry,no discount here.Would you like the red one?It's cheaper,about only 45 yuan.the color is too bright.I'll take the white one.12、你愿意跟我一起旅游吗?我很愿意,但我妈妈让我呆在家写作业.12.Would you like to travel with me?I'd like to,but my mother let me stay at home to finish my homework.17、学跳舞时容易的.学滑冰是困难的.17.It's easy learning to dance,It is difficult to learn how to skate.23、我不擅长游泳,所以这个暑假我打算练习游泳.23.I am not good at swimming and I'm going to practice it this summer vacation.24、下个星期天你准备干什么?你要去购物还是呆在家里?24.What's your plan next Sunday?Go shopping or stay at home?25、明天将有一场足球赛.我们对要对战他们队,你要为我们加油吗?25.There will be a football game between their team and ours tomorrow.Will you come to cheer for us?27、你经常玩电脑吗?玩电脑对你有好处吗?27.Do you often play。下星期日他们打算看足球。英语翻译 They prepare to watch football match next Sunday.They are going to watch football match next Sunday.英语翻译 1.He married this doctor as his wife finally.2.What did you do at 8.p.m last night?3.They have planned to watch a football match next week.4.When I arrived at home,my father was watching the TV.5.What are you going to do tomorrow?6.I would like to go to the movies with you.【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答。
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