我很坚强我也很累的英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 I remember once I had a fever.It was really serious and I did't fell like eating anything.At that time my mother encouraged me with the words:\"My child,you should fight against illness rather than flinch from difficulties.\"I gained confidence at once.After several days of rest,I recovered at last.Through this experience Irealized that staying strong is the only way to recover from illness.英语翻译 二十多年以来,我哭过,笑过,得到过,失去过.经历了很多很多,有时真的很疲惫,可是我一直告诉自己要坚强.自从遇到了他们,我卸下了所有的坚强.因为他们告诉我,我是他们生命的全部,他们会照顾我不让我再感到任何的寂寞.她要让我快乐让我好好享受生活,我很感动.当时幼稚的以为自己是世界上最幸福的人.直到我无助的泪从眼角流下来,不知道它代表了什么,预示著什么了,那么爱你,那么的迁就你,那么的在乎你,那么百般的依赖你,是因为什么,你不知道,但是所有旁观者都能够体会的到,而你却不能.?过去的一切一切总是在脑海里一件一件的掠过,不知道心该痛还是该麻木不仁,付出了那么多,想要的就是你整颗心的属于我,不仅仅是心,还要你所有的言行举止,我是个极度敏感的人,总是很担心很担心失去你,这些你是否明白?跟朋友苦笑聊著你,思路全乱了,因为满脑子都是你的影子挥之不去,酸楚的眼泪都是咸的,我不停的告诉自己,这是自己最后一次为你哭了.忘了吧曾经有过的幸福,算了吧一切都已经全部结束.?现实对我们而言,不是放弃就是残忍,不是无奈就是心痛.我只是一个平凡的人,也想自私的独自拥有一个爱人的怀抱,可这都离我太遥远了.所谓的执子之手与子偕老,难道就只能是一个永远不能实现的谎言吗?耳边还回荡著。英语翻译 Maybe we are all busy recently.But i just cannot get used to it,after i have got used to your affection.Maybe i should be accustomed to solitude,to the life without you,be strong.You know what,i reall.我很累,所以都别假惺惺的靠近我,我没有你们想的那么坚强英语怎么翻译 I'm so tired,so all of you please don't pretend to get close to me,I'm not as strong as you think.英语翻译 I would like to say,in fact,I care about you,you were scared of losing.Without you,all very frightening.In fact,look like you love me,and the role played I would.I do not mind fast unhappy,for you are happy,I forgot Lei Bulei.In fact,you love me look like any expression I can give.I have been waiting for has been changed,but I am tired acridine.Because you have some,said exports had not beenI have worked very hard very hard for you,for the sake of our own change in the future,I would like you to turn around and give me encouragement,holding my hand go together.When I was not in doubt,I have given you all kept silent.I do not want to silence you,I do not want to have any misunderstanding you wrong,I chose to put all the hard on the heart are,the better themselves.Maybe some do not export,we will think I am strong.Your silence,you give me a misunderstanding,so I was afraid,burdened with all the questions.Just like today,you have given me the answer,this is just 2 words.You said,。英语翻译 Thought,I am very strong,no longer sad for that thing,no longer hide in the corner,secretly cry;But I never can do it.Now,I finally understand。Original all is not I want to,maybe I was too naive。From now on,I will no longer be so naive。Must do a good child。I really started to work hard。I believe I will have a beyond his day。I don't want to do one tuo excrement。I want to do that belong to my clever jia。英语翻译 no one cared when I cried,I learned to be strong;no one was here when i was scared,I learned to be brave;no one asked when i was troubled,I learned to accept;with no one to rely on when I was tired.英语翻译 The life because of experiences,but beautiful This is I reads off this book the feeling He is strong,is brave.In isolated island life that many years,although is very laborious,he has insisted down.He.


