英语翻译 请告诉我你每天怎样锻炼翻译


英语翻译 1.If you want to be a healthy person,you'd better eat less and exercise more.2.Please tell me different kinds of food in turn.3.Everyone knows what does she eat everyday and how she live.4.We're going to change our eating habbits and lifestyles.5.Are there any differences between these two words?6.I'm hungry,could you give me some cakes and milk?7.He goes to library over three times a week.8.He has no friend.9.You should watch TV less,because it does harm to our eyes.10.He reads half an hour everyday.

英语翻译 请告诉我你每天怎样锻炼翻译

英语翻译如果你告诉你父亲你所做的一切,他将会非常生气(more than)他的健康状况自从他开始每天做早锻炼起有了明显改善(improve)如果有任何事我可以为你做的,请别客气和我们联系(hesitate;contact【v.】)

英语翻译 请告诉我你每天怎样锻炼翻译

英语翻译 If you tell your father what you did,he would be than angry(mad).His health improved a great deal ever since he started regular morning exercise.Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have a.

英语翻译 请告诉我你每天怎样锻炼翻译



英语翻译 手工翻译如下:Taking exercise is the best remedy for poor health.Be sure to inform me when you reach Shanghai.Make sure to review the text first before doing your homework,so that you can avoid.

英语翻译 You and I are going tobe roommate this semester according to the school's arrangement.I am very glad that we couldbe friends and i would like to tell you some of my habits in advance.


