造成经济损失 英文 英语翻译


英语翻译 专家估计,这次风灾造成的经济损失,相当于全年经济总数的7%.As experts esitmated,economic losses caused by this strom is amount to 7%of the annual GDP.(不知道你说的经济总数到底什么意思)大楼因施工进度缓慢,而延迟三个月.(用behind)The construction of this building is 3 months behind schedule due to slow progress.飞机因天气原因晚点了.The flight is delayed because of the bad weather.我们要做好善后工作We should do follow-up work perfectly.

“经济损失”用英语怎么说 经济损2113失:economic losses/loss/lose;pecuniary losses.Examples:1.保险公司应赔偿你在火灾中所蒙受的5261经济损失4102。The insurance company must compensate you for your pecuniary loss in the fire.2.史密斯先生深受经济损失的打1653击。Mr Smith was hard hit by his financial losses.

英语翻译 Wenchuan earthquake victims has about 90000 people.The earthquake caused by the direct economic loss of 845.2 billion yuan RMB.The most serious in sichuan,accounting for 91.3%of the total losses,in gansu,account for 5.8%of the total losses,shaanxi to total loss of 2.9%.The national bureau of statistics will damage index points 3 kinds,the first kind is casualties problem,the second is property loss,the third kind is to natural environmental damage.In property damage,the loss of the house is very big,private housing and urban housing loss of total loss of 27.4%.Including schools,hospitals and other nonresidential houses owned by loss of total loss of 20.4%.In addition to infrastructure,roads,Bridges and other infrastructure loss,accounting for 21.9%of the total losses,the three kinds of loss ratio is bigger,than 70%of the loss?

经济损失严重的英文怎么说?急!!!!! The economic is suffering a great loss.


