一家人需不需要说一些鼓励的话,赞美的语言? 家是家庭中每个成员停靠的港湾,我认为每个家庭成员之间更应该互相鼓励,互相赞美,互相尊重。
我们是一家人英文翻译 We are a family.具体释义:我们2113是一家,言外之意,我们即5261使没有血4102缘关系,仍非亲人而胜似亲人,彼此1653看作是一家人。双语例句:Because we are a family.因为我们是一家人。We are a family,so we need to help each other.我们是一家人,所以要互帮互助。We are a family.We should make progress together.我们是一家人,应该要共同进步。We are a family.We should be honest with each other.我们是一家人,应该要坦诚相待。We're a family.We're always together.我们是一家人,要一直在一起。
英语翻译 I realised the deep love and devotion between two genrations,as well as understanding and believes.Althought we are encountering all kinds of big blocks in our day-to-day lives,these can be easily ove.