conteh拉沙热 高手帮忙翻译!!


新加坡的独特小吃有什么? 福 建 虾 面 一种放入虾肉、鱼饼、肥猪肉、味道浓郁的炒面。如 果 加 上 点 柠 檬 汁和辣椒酱,味道更鲜美。云 吞 面 面条很细,内有几粒云吞、叉烧和青菜。。

conteh拉沙热 高手帮忙翻译!!

高人给一些西班牙语常用口语,如何?多谢赐教了 第一课:宾馆宾馆服务有房间服务吗?Hay servicio de habitación?ahy sehr-VEE-syoh deh ah-bee-tah-SYOHN?我要为.号房间订东西。Quisiera hacer un pedido para la habitación número.kee-SYEH-rah ah-SEHR oon peh-DEE-doh PAH-rah lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN NOO-meh-roh.在宾馆我预订了房间。Tengo una reservación.TEHN-goh OO-nah rreh-sehr-vah-SYOHN我要住一个星期。Quisiera una habitación por una semana.kee-SYEH-rah OO-nah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN pohr OO-nah seh-MAH-nah一天多少钱?Cuánto es por día?KWAHN-toh ehs pohr DEE-ah?有带洗澡间的房间吗?Tiene una habitación con ba?o privado?TYEH-neh OO-nah ah-bee-tah SYOHN kohn BAH-nyoh pree-VAH-doh?我希望包括膳食。Quisiera con las comidas incluidas.kee-SYEH-rah kohn lahs koh-MEE-dahs een-KLUEE-dahs只要早餐。solamente con desayuno.soh-lah-MEN-teh kohn deh-sah-YOO-noh一张加床.una cama más.OO-nah KAH-mah mahs加一条毯子.otra manta.OH-trah MAHN-tah饮用水.agua para beber.AH-gwah PAH-rah beh-BEHR手纸.papel higiénico.pah-PEHL ee-HYE-nee-koh这个。

conteh拉沙热 高手帮忙翻译!!

这个是哪个国家的国旗? 【国名】塞拉利昂共和国(The Republic of Sierra Leone)。旧译“塞拉勒窝内”。【面积】72326平方公里。【人口】560万(2002年)。全国有20多个民族。南部的曼迪族最大,北部和中部的泰姆奈族次之,两者占全国人口的60%以上;林姆巴族占8.4%;由英、美移入的“自由”黑人后裔克里奥尔人占2%。50%以上居民信奉伊斯兰教,25%的居民信奉基督教,少数人信奉拜物教。【首都】弗里敦(Freetown),人口84万(2001年),年平均气温25.5℃。【国家元首】总统厄内斯特.巴伊.科罗马(Ernest Bai Koroma),2007年9月17日就任.【时差】比北京晚8小时【重要城市】博城、凯内马、马克尼【语言】官方语言为英语,还有曼迪语、泰姆奈语等方言。【货币】里昂Leone(2008上半年汇率约2950里昂=1美元)【国歌】《我们赞颂你,自由的国家》【简况】位于非洲西部,北、东北与几内亚接壤,东南与利比里亚交界,西、西南濒临大西洋。海岸线长约485公里。属热带季风气候,高温多雨。5~10月为雨季,11~4月为旱季。年平均气温约26℃。【人类发展指数】指数:0.335 世界排名第176位

conteh拉沙热 高手帮忙翻译!!


谁帮我把(难过情关)的歌词用闽南语帮我翻译一下,谢谢 电火光光也是黑暗阮的爱情已经无希望情歌一声唱一声合金金看人成对成对爱你的心阮呒愿放身边那会永远欠一人雨落落袂完打醒感情这场梦嘛等等等无人替阮呒甘梦梦梦袂著心爱的彼个人阮已经找不你又孤单为你浮浮沉沉惦无情的世间总是为爱心烦心乱艰苦郁块胸坎是为著谁人爱情啿真正这呢困难为你浮浮沉沉惦无情的世间想欲了断搁呒甘愿行到这款的坎站无论谁人也是难过情关(上是中文)(下是越南文)?i?n l?a ánh sáng là ?en t?iNguy?n Tình yêu kh?ng có hy v?ngTình yêu bài hát ?? hát v?i nhau out loudJin con ng??i vào ??iNguy?n Tình yêu c?a b?n tim mu?n ??a c?ng nghi?p c?ng ngh? caoR?ng bên s? lu?n lu?n là m?t trong ng?n c?aYu-yo sleeve c?a m?t áo dài Cu?iPlay up là tình c?m c?a gi?c m?Kh?ng có m?t cho h? và do ?ó trên và nh? v?y v? c?ng nghi?p c?ng ngh? cao Ruan GanRenee ??c m? c?a m?t sleeve c?a m?t áo dài yêu d?u Peter cá nhanNguy?n kh?ng có m?t mình ?? tìm b?nNhi?u l?n quy?t vi?c làm cho th?。

谁能找到欢快好听的歌???写下来吧! 使劲摇 我听了还是可以呢 1 www.dj97.com 2 www.djkk.con 3 www.hcdj.com 4 www.vvvdj.com 5 www.mkxk.com 6 www.bbqdj.com 7 www.kiss5.com 上面全部是 周董 的《阳光。

求死神漫画目录!! 死神483话:『KriegsErk·死神482:Bad Recognition·死神481:『The Tearing』·死神480话『终章 千年血战篇·死神480:进入最终章—最·死神479话:Goodbye to our·死神。

求一篇以“how to bridge the generation gap\ We can see that there're two points in this definition.First,difference.What kind of difference is it?Between generations we can find differences in culture,differences in the roles of the soci-ety;differences in living styles.The old like traditional culture while the young long for renewal.The old want their children to act as they wish while the young want to walk their own ways.The old are fond of recollecting while the young are looking for-ward to the future.The old live a traditional serious life while the young prefer a modern style.There are so many differences between generations because each has a different deposit of culture and experiences.To some extent generation gap has become a social problem.Yet we find it absolutely difficult to solve because there's no way to smooth away these differences.Many people think that generation gap is a modern phrase.But the great philosopher Socrates three thousand years ago al-ready gave his description of the young in his 。

请高手翻译一篇文章 Keeping Pleasant保持愉快“He is a fool who con be angry,but he is really a wise man who will not.”“他是一个彻底的傻瓜,同时却也是一个无人能比的真正睿智的人。The habit of keeping pleasant is in deed better than an income of a thou-sand dollars a year.在行动上保持愉快的习惯比年收入一千美元更让人感到愉悦。The life withoutcheerfulness is like the severe winter without the sun.没有乐趣的生活如同没有太阳的严冬一般寒冷。We all love cheerful company,but we are apt to forget that cheerful-ness is habit which can be cultivatedby all.我们都喜爱开朗的同伴,但我们很容易忘记,开朗的性格是可以培养的。We find it very difficult be gad,when we are in distress.It requires great courage.we should never forget that to be cheerful when it is not easy to be cheerful shows greatness.Thorny may be our way,but how happy is the conqueror’s song。在我们遇到困难时,我们很难积极面对,这实在需要很大的勇气。我们必须积极的面对眼前的困难,即使前方的道路充满荆棘,但当我们克服它时,迎接我们的将是胜利的。

2个选择和一个改感叹句. 1.A catch a cold感冒 stay in bed卧病在床(stay in the bed呆在床上)2.A move away搬走,移开,像这些词组加代词it,them做宾语时都要把it,them放中间.3.感叹句:How nice the food in Japan is。(你把这个感叹句的语序调成陈述句语气读一下就检验出来改的是对是错了).

