土屋安娜carry on carry on 土屋安娜 歌词 生化危机诅咒的


找一些歌,要 古老,幽静,神秘,也许有点诡异的风格的歌,像土屋安娜carry on或 地狱少女里边的,逆蝶,什么的,都挺好听的。

诅咒的片尾曲叫什么名字? 土屋安娜的 Carry on

求土屋安娜的carry on英文歌词 My father took me to the sacred place when I was a young girl,I grabbed his hand hard and asked who is conjuring this world right now.Now where is Heaven?。

生化危机CG电影第二集末尾曲是谁唱的 生化危机:诅咒,片尾曲土屋安娜唱的《Carry on》!

求生化危机诅咒的片尾曲土屋安娜《Carry On》的伴奏

求carry on BY土屋安娜的中文翻译。 歌词译文:当我还是个小女孩的时候,父亲带我了那个神圣的地方我抓紧他的手问他,是谁用魔法创造了这个世界现在天堂在何处?当你被抛弃到这个世界,他们会说你生而愚昧】为什么?在这个什么都无法给予你的世界我需要信仰与我遗失的信仰去抗争在我禁闭的牢笼当中我破碎如箭我为我的天堂服役我们时常在战争当中却要避开我们应当对谁呼喊?我们应当跟随谁?谁是救世主?某个在危急时不会转身相救人为何我们不得不去牺牲谁会在乎在黑暗中加入我们当中为何我们不得不生存在一个血腥的世界然而,让那最易碎的一切砸向我因为我们将前行我的回忆将继续我的歌声将继续我的歌声将继续如果只能苟延残喘我怎么去相信罪孽世界在流血,你能看到它在滴血现在睁开你的双眼现在睁开你的双眼你将去等待因为你永远不可能控制这个世界哪怕以你那残酷的意志力永远不要因爱生恨如果你觉得我太吵就破碎这些束缚我的枷锁我再不会信任你如果你说我自由了,却依旧保持在我身上的枷锁我想要的并不是我们的自由我想要的是我们简单的生活我再不需要这悲痛的国度我需要的只是你我平静地入睡所以请阻止这血流不止的世界吧因为我们将继续我的回忆将继续直到。

carry on 土屋安娜 歌词 生化危机诅咒的 这首歌太好听了~My father took me to the sacred place when I was a young girl,I grabbed his hand hard and asked who is conjuring this world right now.Now where is Heaven?When you were thrown into this world they say you were born insane.And why?In the world that gives me nothing,I need something to believe in.Fight my loss of faith,In my guarded cage.I am broken like an arrow,I have served for my heaven,Constantly out in wars we would turn away.Who should we scream at?Who should we follow?Who is my savior?Who doesn't turnHis back when in need?Why do we have to be sacrificed;Those who care to join our ring in the dark.Why do we have to live in a bloody world;Though,with the most fragile,let them fall on me,yeah.Cause we'll carry on,My memory will carry on,My voice will carry on.My voice will carry on.If there's nothing but survival,How can I believe in sin?This world is bleeding now and you can see its blood.Open your eyes now,Open your arms now.Well you're。

生化危机:诅咒片尾曲叫什么? 生化危机:诅咒片尾曲是土屋安娜演唱的《carry on》。所属专辑:DONE演唱:土屋安娜类型:EP单曲唱片公司:avex trax流派:Pop语言:英语词曲:土屋アンナ(土屋安娜)发行时间:2013-10-23歌词:My father took me to the sacred place when I was a young girl,I grabbed his hand hard and asked who is conjuring this world right now.Now where is Heaven?When you were thrown into this world they say you were born insane.And why?In the world that gives me nothing,I need something to believe in.Fight my loss of faith,In my guarded cage.I am broken like an arrow,I have served for my heaven,Constantly out in wars we would turn away.Who should we scream at?Who should we follow?Who is my savior?Who doesn't turnHis back when in need?Why do we have to be sacrificed;Those who care to join our ring in the dark.Why do we have to live in a bloody world;Though,with the most fragile,let them fall on me,yeah.Cause we'll carry on,My memory will carry on,My voice will carry on.My voice will。

#carry on#土屋安娜

